This is a list of the majority of my books. I'm
still in the process of cataloging them all, so more will appear as time
will pass. Right now, there's no rhyme or reason to the order that
they are listed, other than that's how they sit on my bookshelf.
Here's a few notes:
If there's a link, then there is a page of interest in the book; usually
it's just the title page or something else interesting found in the book.
I know there's a lot of Christian books listed -- I just like to read about
those heathens and what they believe. :)
I know there are several pagan & secret societal books listed -- I
just like to read about those heathens and...well, you get the idea.
None of these books indicate anything about my life, other than that reading
about the subjects interest me.
No, I haven't read all the books. I'm working on it, though.
None are for sale, except in extreme situations. I'm not advertising
a garage sale or anything. I'm proud of my acquisitions over the
years, and I want to show them off.
Essentials of Geography; Albert P. Brigham & Charles McFarlane;
American Book Company; 1925.
The Rennaisance and the Reformation; Henry S Lucas; Harper &
Brothers Publishers; 1934.
Insects; Glen Eaton Hodson; Webb Book Publishing Company; 1928.
Modern Engineering Practice - Volume 10; Frank W Gunsaulus ed; American
School of Correspondence; 1903.
Count Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV - France and England
in North America Part 5; Francis Parkman, Little, Brown, and Company;
The Age of Fable, or Beauties of Mythology [Bullfinch's Mythology];
Thomas Bullfinch; David McKay, Publisher; 1898.
Gray's New Manual of Botany, A Handbook of the Flowering Plants and
Ferns of the Central and Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada;
Benjamin Lincoln Robinson & Merrit Lyndon Fernald; American Book Company;
Lis Sails the Atlantic; Lis Andersen; E.P. Dutton & Co; 1936.
Selected Plays of Shakespeare, Volume 4; Karl J Holzknecht &
Norman E McClure, ed.; American Book Company; 1941.
Selected Plays of Shakespeare, Volume 3; Karl J Holzknecht &
Norman E McClure, ed.; American Book Company; 1937.
Selected Plays of Shakespeare, Volume 2; Karl J Holzknecht &
Norman E McClure, ed.; American Book Company; 1937.
Colorado, its Gold and Silver Mines, Farms and Stock Ranges, and Health
and Pleasure Resorts, A tourist Guide to the Rocky Mountains; Frank
Fossett; C.G. Crawford; 1879.
Boy Scout Handbook; William Hillcourt;Boy Scouts of America; 1964.
Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam; Edward Fitzgerald, trans;AL Burt Company;
no date.
Handbook of Chemistry and Physics; Charles D Hodgman, Melville F
Coolbaugh, and Cornelius E Senseman; CRC (Chemical Rubber Company); 1920.
The Merchant of Venice, William Shakespeare, HL Withers ed; DC Heath
& Co; 1898.
Arsenic & Old Lace; Joseph Kesselring; Readers League of America;
1941, second printing.
The Comedy of Twelfth Night, or, What You Will; William Shakespeare;
American Book Company; 1892.
Sigurd Jorsalfar; Bjornstjerne Bjornson; publisher unknown; 1872.
The Merchant of Venice; William Shakespeare; The Macmillan Co; 1915.
Macbeth; William Shakespeare; The Macmillan Co; 1927. Types of Tragic
Drama; C E Vaughan; Macmillan and Co; 1924.
Chief Contemporary Dramatists; Thomas H Dickinson, ed;Houghton Mifflin
Company; 1915.
Cram's Junior Atlas of the World; George F Cram; George F Cram;
The First Greek Book; Clarence W Gleason & Caroline Stone Atherton;
American Book Company; 1895.
Stoddard's Readings & Recitation; editor unknown; Caxton Edition
(?); date unknown.
Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam; Edward Fitzgerald, trans; Country Life
Press; no date.
Cotton Mather on Witchcraft: The Wonders of the Invisible World;
Cotton Mather; Dorset Press; 1991.
Public School Methods, Vol 1; many editors; Hanson-Bellows Publishing
Co; 1916.
Text-Book of the Materials of Engineering; Herbert F Moore; McGraw-Hill
Book Company; 1917.
Airports, Airways, and Electronics; Harold E Mehrens; Civil Air
Partrol, Inc; 1956.
Navigation and the Weather; Harold E Mehrens; Civil Air Patrol,
Inc; no date.
Power for Aircraft; Harold E Mehrens; Civil Air Patrol, Inc; 1958.
Aircraft in Flight; Harold E Mehrens; Civil Air Patrol, Inc; 1956.
Ansco Photographics Papers, sample sales booklet; no author; no
publisher; no date.
Conduct of a Military Funeral; no author; War Department; 1947.
Climbing the Heights - Daily Devotions; Al Bryant, ed; Zondervan
Publishing House; 1956.
Compendium of Church History; Rev Andrew C Zenos; Presbyterian Board
of Publication and Sabbath-school Work; 1910.
New Ritual of the Order of the Eastern Star;no author; General Grand
Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star; 1928.
My Sunday Missal -- Larger Type with Latin; Father Stedman, ed;
The Confraternity of the Precious Blood; 1956.
New St Joseph Sunday Missal and Hymnal; John Goodwine & Terence
J Cooke, ed;Catholic Book Publishing Co; 1967.
The Holy Bible; no author; William Collins, Sons, & Co;1868.
Novum Testamentum Graece; no author; Deutche Bibelgesellschaft;1979.
Kirchen-Gefangbuch fur Evangelitch-Lutheritche Gemeinden; no author;
Concordia Publishing House; 1909.
True Peace and Security - How Can You Find It?; no author; Watchtower
Bible & Tract Society of New York, Inc; 1986.
Vest Pocket Book of Catholic Facts; John Francis Noll; Our Sunday
Visitor Press; 1937.
Lutheran Book of Prayer; no author; Concordia Publishing House;
The New First Mass Book; Daniel J Flynn & Joseph P OBrien, ed;Catholic
Book Publishing Co;1970.
The Way of Salvation in the Lutheran Church; Rev G H Gerberding;
Lutheran Publication Society; 1887.
Why I Am A Christian; O Hallesby; Augsburg Publising House; 1931.
Crowning Glory; P P Bilhorn; Bilhorn Brothers; no date.
What Do Present Day Christians Belive?; James H Snowden; The Macmillan
Company; 1930.
The Blessed Eucharist our Greatest Treasure; Michael Muller; Kelly
Piet & Co; 1869.
Archaeology's Solution of Old Testament Puzzles;Rev John Urquhart;
The Sunday School Times Press; 1915.
The Fountain of Life, or, A Display of Christ in His Essential And Meditoral
Glory; Rev John Flavel; American Tract Society; no date.
Bibelen eller Den Hellige Strift [sp]; no author; Ameritanste Bibel-Gelftal;
no date.
Bible in Chinese Union Version; no author; Hong Kong Bible Society;1987.
The Holy Bible; no author; American Bible Society; 1896.
Letters to Young Churches, A Translation of the New Testament Epistles;
J B Phillips; The Macmillan Company; 1952.
Problems of Young Christians; Martin Hegland; Augsburg Publishing
House; 1940.
Mary Slessor, White Queen of Calabar; Basil Miller; Zondervan Publishing
House; 1956.
The New-Time Religion; Claire Cox; Prentice-Hall, Inc;1961.
God Created Me; Laurence Rittenhouse; United Church Press; 1969.
The Sling and the Swallow; Elanor Hull; United Church Press; 1963.
Lives of The Leaders of Our Church Universal; Dr Ferdinand Piper,
ed; Phillips and Hunt; 1879.
The Drama of Our Religion; A Graham Baldwin; Oxford University Press;
The Christian Year; Edward T Horn III; Muhlenberg Press; 1957.
The Church in the Next Decade; Eugene Carson Blake; The Macmillan
Company; 1966.
Songs of the Century; Geo D Elderking, Jno R Sweney, wm J Kirkpatrick,
H L Gilmour & F A Hardin, eds; Geo D Elderkin Publishing Co; 1900.
Service Book & Hymnal; no author; Augsburg Publishing House;
Service Book & Hymnal; no author; Augsburg Publishing House;
Service Book & Hymnal; no author; Augsburg Publishing House;
The Greatest Hymns; Geo C Stebbins & R A Torrey ed; Tabernacle
Publishing Company; no date.
Luthers Kleiner Katechismus mit Erklarungen; title page missing;
title page missing; title page missing.
Tabernacle Hymns No 2; no author; Tabernacle Publishing Company;
The World Service of the Methodst Episcopal Church; Ralph E Diffendorfer,
ed; The Methodist Book Concern; 1923.
New Testament of Our Lord And Saviour Jesus Christ; no author; American
Bible Society; no date.
Teachers Manual for the Ten Basic Steps Toward Christian Maturity;
William R Bright, ed;Campus Crusade for Christ; 1965.
The Jewish Way - Living the Holidays; Rabbi Irving Greenberg; Simon
& Schuster; 1988.
Hurlbut's Story of the Bible for Young and Old; Jesse Lyman Hurlbut;
The John C Winston Company; 1952.
The Church of Our Fathers; Roland H Bainton; The Westminster Press;
Revelation: Its Grand Climax at Hand!; no author; Watch Tower Bible
and Tract Society of New York, Inc; 1988.
Palestine - Mohammedan Holy Land; Charles Matthews; Yale University
Press; 1949.
Egyptian Language - Easy Lessons in Egyptian Heiroglyphics with Sign
List; E A Wallis Budge; Dorset Press; 1993.
A Dictionary of Symbols - 2nd Ed;J E Cirlot; Barnes & Noble
Books; 1971.
Alchemy: Source of Chemistry and Medicine; Charles J Thompson; Sentry
Press; 1974.
The Secret Doctrine of the Rosicrucians; Magus Incognito; Barnes
& Noble Books; 1993.
Magick in Theory and Practice; Aleister Crowley; Castle Books; 1991.
The Cat In Magic; M Oldfield Howey; Bracken Books; 1993.
The Encyclopedia of Superstitions; Christina Hole, ed;Barnes &
Noble, Inc; 1996.
The Malleus Maleficarum; Heinrich Kramer & James Sprenger, Montague
Summers translator; Dover Publications; 1971.
Compendium Maleficarum; Francesco Maria Guazzo, Montague Summers
translator; Dover Publications, 1988.
The History of Witchcraft; Montague Summers; Barnes & Noble
Books; 1993.
The Vampire; Montague Summers; Dorset Press; 1991.
The Pictoral Key to the Tarot; Arthur Edward Waite; Barnes &
Noble Books; 1995.
The Book of Ceremonial Magic; Arthur Edward Waite; Barnes &
Boble Books; 1997.
The Exact Sciences in Antiquity; O Neugebauer; Barnes & Noble
Books; 1993.
The Mystery and Lore of Monsters; C J S Thompson; Barnes & Noble
Books; 1994.
Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry;
Albert Pike; L H Jenkins, Inc; 1950.
The History of Freemasonry: It's Legendary Origins; Albert Gallatin
Mackey; Gramercy Books; 1996.
The Mummy: A History of the Extraordinary Practices of Ancient Egypt;
E A Wallis Budge; Wings Books; 1989.
The Book of the Dead: The Heiroglyphic Transcript and Translation into
English of the Papyrus of Ani; E A Wallis Budge; Gramercy Books; 1995.
The Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross; A History of the Rosicrucians;
Arthur Edward Waite; Barnes & Noble Books; 1993.
The Vampire in Europe; Montague Summers; Gramercy Books; 1996.
Ghost Stories; no author; Cathay Books; 1985.
The Holy Bible in 6 Volumes: Vol. 6; Adam Clarke, ed.; Ward, Lock,
& Co; no date.
The Holy Bible in 6 Volumes: Vol. 3(? title page missing); Adam
Clarke, ed.; Ward, Lock, & Co; no date.
Hitchkock's New and Complete Analysis of the Holy Bible; Roswell
D Hitchcock; A J Johnson; 1872.
The Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament: Hebrew & English;
no author; British & Foreign Bible Society; 1870.
Biblia Hebraica; Johanne Leusden & Everardo Van Der Hooght,
ed;Impenis Ogle; 1822.
Moden Home Medical Adviser: Your Health and How To Preserve It;
Morris Fishbein, ed; Darden City Publishing Co, Inc; 1937.
A Dictionary of Angels, Including the Fallen Angels; Gustav Davidson;
The Free Press; 1971.
The Standard Dictionary of Facts; no author; The Frontier Press
Company; 1919.
Webster's Encyclopedic Dictionary of the English Language; Noah
Webster; The Saafield Publishing Company; 1903.
A Standard Dictionary of the English Language; no author; Funk &
Wagnalls Company; 1895.
Literature Dramatized, for Classrom Use; Mildred Allen Butler; Harcourt,Brace,and
Company; 1926.
A Book of Dramas: An Anthology of 19 Plays; Bruce Carpenter, ed;
prentice-Hall, Inc; 1929.
Select Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero (MT Ciceronis Orationes Selectae);
George Stuart; Eldredge & Brother; 1875.
An Easy Method for Beginners In Latin; Albert Harkness; American
Book Company; 1890.
Anthologica Lyrica Sive Lyricorum Graecorum Veterum Praeter Pindarum
Reliquae Potiores; Eduardus Hiller; B G Teubneri; 1890.
Hygenic Physiology; Joel Dorman Steele; American Book Company; 1888.
Greek Studies: A Series of Essays; Walter Pater; The Macmillan Company;
Manners for the Metropolis: An Entrance Key to the Fantastic Life of
The 400; Francis W Crowninshield; D Appleton and Company; 1908.
A Brief History of American Literature; William P Trent; D Appleton
and Company, 1908.
Basic American Ideals; no author; Ancient and Accepted Rite of Freemasonry
Southern Jurisdiction; 1967.
The Century Collegiate Handbook; Garland Greever & Easley S
Jones; The Century Co;1924.
First Principles of Chemistry; Several authors; Allyn & Bacon;
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, vol 1 of 5;
Edward Gibbon; Porter & Coates; no date.
Psychology and Psychic Culture; Reuben Post Halleck; American Book
Company; 1895.
Practical Agriculture; John W Wilkinson; American Book Company;
American History - Second Book; Arthur C Perry and Gertrude A Price;
American Book Company; 1924.
Mathematics for Junior High Schools - Book 2; Leo J Brueckner, C
J Anderson, & G O Banting;The John C Winston Company; 1936.
Practical Electricity and House Wiring; Herbert P Richter; Frederick
J Drake & Co; 1952.
An Introduction to the History of Western Europe; James Harvey Robinson;
Ginn & Company; 1903.
Nature Study & Agriculture; Charles C Schmidt; D C Heath &
Co; 1920.
Stories of the Old World; Alfred J Church; Ginn, Heath, and Co;
Personal Help for Parents; Thomas W Shannon & Emory Adams Allen;
The S A Mullikin Company; 1918.
History of the United States; Allen C Thomas; D C Heath & Co;
Livestock Judging Handbook; Julie Nordby, W Malcolm Beeson; &
David Fourt; The Interstate Printers & Publishers; 1953.
The National Fire Codes; vol 3 - Building Construction & Equipment;
no author; National Fire Protection Association; 1954.
Twentieth Century Plays - British; Frank W Chandler & Richard
A Cordell, eds; The Ronald Press Company; 1941.
Dear Dark Head; Helen Landreth; Whittlesey House; 1936.
Manual of the Trees of North America (Exclusive of Mexico); Charles
Sprague Sargent; Houghton Mifflin Company; 1933.
Literature & Life - Book 1; Edwin Greenlaw, Willian H Elson;
Christine M Keck; Scott, Foresman and Company; 1922.