15 March 2000
Visitor Comments:
(Submitted by Catherine)
Did all the lights in yoour house go off at once/
Whatever Ronson Butan and BM Baht Rnc
sure they'll be of great use to you while you
replace your oven/fridge light and other light
(Submitted by Eagle7)
Hey... how the hell did Derek
get an Ultra Palm X when all I
can buy is a Palm VII?
(Submitted by greeneyes)
I think Derek just bought
part of the nation of Bhutan
for $1.78. Just the Ronson
neighborhood, apparently.
Must be tied into that BM
Baht RCN. I'll bet that's a
minor principality as well.
Are you going to succeed from
Bhutan and declare yourself
soverign of your very own
county? Will you have a
Walmart in Derekland? Me, I
like Target too so you'll
have to get both for when I
(Submitted by Homer)
Ooooh, A&W Cream
(Submitted by YeahRight)
Damn straight motherfucker
(Submitted by Sht4brains)
"ULTRA PALM X" Derek - you didn't have to go
out and by a whole new palm.... (coulda just
shaved the hair off the old one - good as new)
(Submitted by Fallen69)
How do you manage to play
with a $25 bill? And doesnt
that conviently add up to
(Submitted by Im@work)
Dereck - Please go shopping!
I'm having withdrawal because
you haven't posted anything
since the 15th and today is
the 31st. I miss you! Tell
Matt Kreig I said Hi!
(Submitted by Im@work)
Dereck - Please go shopping!
I'm having withdrawal because
you haven't posted anything
since the 15th and today is
the 31st. I miss you! Tell
Matt Kreig I said Hi!
(Submitted by infamous susan g)
ok so here is the deal I
thought that the walmart guy
was pathetic, but you people
who comment on what he buys
as if this friggin man is god
are even worse. and no I
don't care if it is Aand W I
hate cream soda.
(Submitted by Cherdy)
Hmm... Ronson Butan...
So, what did you do at Wal Mart, buy a Pakistanian
(Submitted by dynamo)
How does the
oven/refrigerator light know
not to turn of when it's in
the oven?
(Submitted by Black~ice)
What is going on?????-this is
(Submitted by VC)
As you will notice on the
receipt, "We sell for less"
is displayed. This is
correct. Walmart only pays
their salespeople $2.27/hour
to sell their products. Other
stores, such as Target, Big
K, etc. pay their salespeople
no less than
$5.25/hour...just thought you
would like to know.
(Submitted by js)
Ronson Butan...its a lighter,
you morons. Butane, get it?
Ronson is only the biggest
manufacturer of self-
immolation devices in the
free world.
(Submitted by Charliesinthetrees)
VC there is such a thing as
minimum wage. Perhaps you
would not like to patronize a
restaurant, though, as they
pay less than that to wait
staff. Then again, what, do
you eat dog or something over
there in seoul? Don't be
pissy just because walmart
will not import your
substandard dri-bottoms
clones to sell to
unsuspecting americans like
kmart and target would...
(Submitted by mynutsitch)
What happened to Mt Dew
Derek? Is this how you plan
to come down off your
addiction? Replacing it with
one even worse?
(Submitted by Wax66)
Woohoo! He bought a 3 pak of
A-Shirts on my birthday! This
guy rocks! I'm heading to
WalMart right NOW!
(Submitted by Shatner)
What's your deal with
batteries, light bulbs, and
snot rags? I mean, sheesh.
(Submitted by eatglue)
"hey, i think ill go around
and change all the light
bulbs today. haha, i bet my
wife hasnt thought of that!"
(Submitted by Hepcat)
Ah. So he has purchased a
lighter, as well as an
incredible amount of soil,
conspicuous numbers of light
bulbs and potted plants. He
has not purchased cigarettes.
Does Wal-Mart sell
cigarettes? If they do, I
think we can lay to rest the
quarrel over whether or not
Derek is supply homegrown to
the town of Dilworth. There's
no way that in three years a
smoker would not buy a pack
of cigarettes at a Wal-Mart.
Is it fun to change the oil
in your car when you're
stoned? I've never tried. Are
you a mechanic? Was Ryan
Hoage fired or what? What
happened to him? He was my
favourite manager, though
Matt is starting to rise up
in my estimation...
(Submitted by someone who is getting the munchies)
It's taken all this time to
get the proof, but I am now
totally convinced that Derek
is growing pot in his home.
All those flowers be damned.
That was a cover. The
lighter is the tip-off, man.
Hepcat, while he may not be
able to tell time (see a
previous receipt but don't
ask me which one 'cause I
don't remember) he is onto
something there with the
cigarettes. He probably has
bought lighters at the
grocery store to throw us off
the track, but he slipped
up. Hey, I'm not judging you
Derek. I just wanna know if
I can send you counter cards
when you're in jail.
(Submitted by doug )
another oven referee light.
(Submitted by cmp )
I think that Derek is one of
those people who takes up
smoking as an adult - just
because it makes him look "so
damn cool". Also, he's got
so much free time now that
he's not changing diapers
(Submitted by NYCFASHIONGIRL )
(Submitted by gareth )
Congrats...you also got one
of the limited collectors'
edition of Palmolive X..you
know, the one with Pam
Anderson naked on the label.
Sold out here in 2 hours...
(Submitted by Cathy )
Ok, how do you always end up
only buying a few things. I
can go in for some Goobers
pnut butter and jelly and end
up with 200 items. Is that
why you are going everyday?
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