26 February 2001
Visitor Comments:
(Submitted by Chiq )
Too bad that last receipt's
gonna get left behind so
soon. It was a good 'un. But
this one's pretty
interesting, too.
TFNNDKIA252. I got one of
those last week & had to
return it already. You'd
think for $40 it would last a
(Submitted by Edgar Gutrumble )
Now you can weigh yourself
while you're in the bath!
What next: a flannel that
gets rid of dirt? Such nice
(Submitted by Eunice Gutrumble )
Don't be silly, Edgar.
Archimedes invented the bath
scale to measure how much
water spilled out when he got
(Submitted by NYCFASHIONGIRL )
(Submitted by Danilo )
I think this receipt guy was caught shop liftning when he was a kid, AT WALMART!!!!. Obviously, shop lifters don't get receipts and now he just want to prove something. That's my theory...
(Submitted by Danilo )
BTW, wouldn't "# ITEMS BOUGHT 6" be more appropriate on a receipt than "# ITEMS SOLD 6"?! This is very strange.
(Submitted by Danilo )
BTW, wouldn't "# ITEMS BOUGHT 6" be more appropriate on a receipt than "# ITEMS SOLD 6"?! This is very strange.
(Submitted by Bonnie Piesse's lame chicken )
Oh dear, the carp is back.
Must be mad now that it has
TB! P.S. I haen't been
reading the BBS, but I presume
the fuzzed barcode is to avoid
those Cuban hordes stealing
WalMart's secrets and opening
up fake WalMarts around the
country in order to undermine
the capitalist system. Great
thinking Fidel, and more power
to ya Derek for standing up
for democracy!
(Submitted by Bonnie Piesse's lame chicken )
...oo-er (I owe you nothing),
such little changes to the
practicalities of this site,
but such a disturbance in the
Force as a result! What's all
(Submitted by JP )
It's the end of the world as
we know it, and I feel
(Submitted by Abi )
JP! Gimme a big hug!!!
(Submitted by gutrumble spokesperson )
fyi, edgar & eunice are
attending a roughage
convention this week and are
unavailable for comment. you
certainly meant to quote
someone else, didn't you? as
their attorney and broccoli
provider i feel i must
maintain their persuasive
interests and voices of
(Submitted by Tom )
This website makes me think about shopping.
When I go shopping, I think to myself about what I
want and what I need. We tend to want more than
what we really need. The two concepts sometimes
make a life diffent.
(Submitted by NYC FASHION GIRL )
(Submitted by Kai )
Reading your receipts makes
me think about what movie you
might have purchased, possibly
it could have been Where the
Heart Is. Have you ever seen
the movie or read the book,
I'm sure many people have
asked you that. It seems as
though you could pull the same
stunt that the main charecter
in the story did since you go
to Wal Mart so often. Do you
think the story line was
actually feasible, could a
WalMart staff ever over look a
woman hiding out in the
bathroom at closing time?
After looking at all you
receipts it makes me think
about what your life really is
like. I start making up a
life story for you in my head,
a mental picture of your
family life. I can see you
must have a child, by now it
must be around two or three
since your first receipt
contained a crib. I picture
you married since you buy so
many bath products, unless you
really love to shower with
bath gels. Finally, you
really must love Mountain Dew,
maybe next time you should buy
a case, it could possibly be
cheaper. Do you find Mountain
Dew to be your comf
(Submitted by Kai )
Reading your receipts makes
me think about what movie you
might have purchased, possibly
it could have been Where the
Heart Is. Have you ever seen
the movie or read the book,
I'm sure many people have
asked you that. It seems as
though you could pull the same
stunt that the main charecter
in the story did since you go
to Wal Mart so often. Do you
think the story line was
actually feasible, could a
WalMart staff ever over look a
woman hiding out in the
bathroom at closing time?
After looking at all you
receipts it makes me think
about what your life really is
like. I start making up a
life story for you in my head,
a mental picture of your
family life. I can see you
must have a child, by now it
must be around two or three
since your first receipt
contained a crib. I picture
you married since you buy so
many bath products, unless you
really love to shower with
bath gels. Finally, you
really must love Mountain Dew,
maybe next time you should buy
a case, it could possibly be
cheaper. Do you find Mountain
Dew to be your comf
(Submitted by Dally )
Kai, you should check out Derek's personal
webpage and get to know the remarkable person
that is Derek.
(Submitted by lieu )
bud, it's going to take
something stronger than
mountain dew to wash that
carp down.
(Submitted by walfix )
You already live in a
cashless society, don't you?
(Submitted by Big Boy )
Wow!!! I am already an
addict. Not a day goes by
that I don't check this site.
(Submitted by denis envy )
it's an evil addiction, my
friend. flaming idiots bash
you and friends often live in
conflicting time zones. you
wait for weeks for a new
receipt only to discover
you're at best the eleventh
poster dance - hardly worth
dancing a jig blade over.
probably the cruelest irony
is that you're aware of all
these truly remarkable gems
he now possesses via his
fancy credit card but you
yourself never get to feel
their delectable weight in
your hands, never know the
wonderful sound they make
being placed firmly on your
mantle for display. my envy
for the colorful life he
leads surpasses wot can be
drawn wif even a 64 crayola
set. damn lucky dakotans...
(Submitted by susie )
My husband is called Tom, is
that you darling? Don't
forget the gin......
(Submitted by susie )
We do really need the gin,
MTDEW does not hit the spot..
(Submitted by in lieu of reed )
I'm pretty sure he didn't.
(Submitted by ...- - ... )
let me guess... tom collins?
(Submitted by Dal )
Gin and bare it, I always say
(Submitted by ; ) )
(Submitted by neither rhyme nor reason )
i'm juggling kittens wearing
nothing but mittens and
chasing after maidens all the
long day. i hope their
earthly pleasures don't cause
the family treasures to rise
up in the kittens way.
(Submitted by in lieu of eric burdon )
I say T, TB RIDR...
(Submitted by susie (now more) or (less) sober )
By the way,Kai,Mountain Dew
could never be my comf, but I
can't speak for the rest of
us here.Where's Dally and
those cowtales we fixed up?
(Submitted by susie )
Oh there she is, sorry Dal,
didn't notice you back there
balancing on the bath scale.
(Submitted by Jenni-poo )
SHOUT GEL Abi-doll! Sorry I'm
late, I had to go to the
airport, remember? But happy
faced *snogz* and a hug
back, "with SWABS wide open"-
hey, nice arse, you been
working out?
(Submitted by Abi )
JP darling!!! BATH POUF to
you!! *mwah
mwah*......(psst guys -
chicks snogging!)
(Submitted by Dalliance )
Yep, susie-Q, been indulging in a little too much
TB CARP JN lately, I'm afraid. The old TB RIDR's
starting to get a little BGY so it looks like I'm gonna
have to cut back on the MT DEW. Hey, Jenni-poo!
A big VHS to you, Abi-Cakes and Chiquita-Bird.
And a TFNNOKIA to BB, lieu, and Terry. By the by,
Where the fock is Terry-cloth? Sumbody please
tell him he's sorely missed. Oh, and a shag for
(Submitted by Abi )
Hey back Dal-cakes...the T
man was here about a week
ago, but I've not heard from
him since, but we do have
this rather unpleasant
outbreak of foot and mouth
disease amongst our
livestock. Maybe there's a
(Submitted by Chiq )
one of you. Hey Dal, did you
see on the last receipt Der
bought you another pair of
GIRLS BRIEFS? I hope this
pair fits as... ummm...
pleasurably as the last.
(Submitted by cutie )
I just wanted to say thanx
for this ever so useful site.
i used it to make my business
project on walmart intesting
(afterall what better than
reciets to decorate the title
page)dont worry you got full
credit. oh yeah glad to see
that you potty trained that
kid of yours... i bet all
those diapers in ht beginning
got expensive.
(Submitted by lieu )
foot and mouth disease? is
that some kind of a bovine
toe fetish? it doesn't
affect camels does it? hullo
all you gorgeous gals.
(Submitted by account exec )
gimme a break, geisler.
validate your existance
(Submitted by BigGayMonster )
how can we all have been so
blithe, when Der is using
Carp to treat his TB? at
least he's getting a ride in
a BGY. i hope it was a Dune
BGY. was that through the
make a fish foundation?
(Submitted by Mad Max )
What an idiot. I NEVER pay
more than $32.95 for
TFNNDKIA252's. Haysoos!
(Submitted by Ali-G )
Respeck, tis I Ali bak in da
howse wiv maxeemum impakt. Y
tis da reseats take so long
apeer? Tis Derrick a layzee
bruvver? Tis wicked dat dere
r nu reseats. Keap da reseats
roll'n Derrick. Kai, u nead 2
sea da si-col-ogist qwik. Da
massive tink dat u r mad like
sum ovvers on da site. Ali
tis outta ere, booyacka
(Submitted by horoscope for Geminis this week )
It's easy sometimes, to look
at the world and say, "What
on earth IS this place?
What's going on? Why am I
here?" But it is also easy,
at other times, to look at
the planet and say "What a
wonderful place. How lucky I
am to be here." What makes
the difference? Not the state
of the world. It is possible
to be happy under seemingly
dreadful circumstances. It is
also of course, possible to
be miserable in conditions
that many would describe as
perfect. "External factors"
influence us a bit, of
course. But not as much as we
imagine. We are happy when
our hearts are happy. We feel
lousy when something, deep
inside, is restless or
anxious. Will this week bring
the conditions you require to
feel deep joy? Definitely.
Will you experience it?
That's down to you and your
attitude,and how much time
you spend at Derek's Wal*mart
(Submitted by f )
(Submitted by Coach )
Jenny Jenny, who can I turn
to? You give me somethin' I
can hold on to. T-F-N-N-D-K-I-
(Submitted by NYCFASHIONGIRL )
(Submitted by BalmainBoy )
Ah, the first traces of
spring in the big city;
Lovely pastel colors used for
chalk body outlines, Tourists
return for trial of guy who
assaulted them last
Christmas, the crack vendors
on the D train start going
topless, and FASHION GIRL
comes out of hibernation.
(Submitted by Quentin Crisp in a jacuzzi )
I am the original bath pouf
(Submitted by daisy pumpmaster )
good one, bb.
(Submitted by fuzzy )
Uhm- this is kewel
(Submitted by Ali-G )
R us all's go'in mad? Da
stuff on dis page tis crazee.
(Submitted by Nick )
Why is it that everybody who
regularly contributes to this
site (I have been reading the
messages since I found this
site a few weeks ago)have
nothing to say and vehemently
attacks anybody who happens
to think the site is a bit
weird? Obviously I have to
ask the question, Haven't you
got something better to do?
Any answers would be
appreciated before slagging
me off
(Submitted by Abi )
Fair question Nick,
however, I personally think
it's the unsolicited,
meanspirited comments
that may prompt a strong
reaction, I mean we all
know this is a bit weird, and
are proud of it! This is just
one of many things I do in
my life.
(Submitted by Dalliance )
I have a few comments...1) to the BigGayMonster..I
am laughing my ass off - that was hysterical 2) to
the horoscoper of Geminis - Thank you from the
bottom of my heart- I needed that and it is true 3)
FASHION GIRL - hey babe, good to see you and
being impostered SUCKS - Note to Imposters -
JUST SAY NO. 4) BB - I love you, I laughed- I
cried and strangely enough I actually take the D
train into work everyday (seriously) and damn if that
ain't the truth about the summer crack vendors! p.s.
i am searching thru my floppies for my thesis, if you
*really* want to read it. :) and finally 4) to Nick - I
think Abi said it very concisely...Many of us post
from work...for me, it is fun...I have people here I
consider *real* friends and I love to cut up with
them. The receipts are just a springboard, ya see?
We take the various ingredients (like apono
bulbs, etc) and weave scenarios and puns and we
have a blast. It is not that we don't have lives...I
would argue that the regulars here are some of the
most intelligent, high functioning individuals you
will ever meet. It's one of those things either you
"get" or you don't. We get annoyed at those who
don't get it yet feel it there obligation to tell us
what losers we are...after a while, ya know, it gets
boring to hear. And as for Derek...he's a genius and
we are protective.
(Submitted by Abi )
*round of applause from the
toaster box*
(Submitted by P.S. )
As to the weirdness factor - yeah, we may seem a
little weird (woohoo) but no weirder than people
who wear Che t-shirts and don't have a clue as to
what he actually did, BUT to I stop people on the
street and say..HEY, CHE WEARER...GET A LIFE! I
do not. :)
(Submitted by Dally )
*cursty..blowing snogs to the Toaster Box*
(Submitted by susie )
Well said Dally. *lighting up
the white globes*
(Submitted by Chiq )
*in a small muffled voice*
Hey Abi, can you step down
off the top of the toaster
box so I can get out, please?
It's getting a little warm in
here. And to Nick, again I
reiterate my recent
comment... some things are
done just for fun and have no
greater meaning. As Dal
said, people either "get it"
or they don't.
(Submitted by Abi )
oops, sorry Chiq *jumping
off onto BATH POUF*
Anyone know where Nick
(Submitted by Bud )
Probably in his pants...
(Submitted by Chiq )
*stepping out of toaster box
& breathing deeply* Thanks
Cakes. Hey, I hope no one
heard me singing SHOWTOONS in
there. I didn't know anyone
else was around.
(Submitted by lieu )
like hitler said... "big
smile". *big smile*
(Submitted by Chiqca )
Hey lieu, is that a nanner in
your pocket, or are you just
happy to see me? Oh and that
Hitler mustache tickles just
a little.
(Submitted by lieu )
hi chiq. no, i'm just happy
to see you. i haven't
carried a nanner in my pocket
since my testicles dropped.
(Submitted by BalmainBoy )
Hey Nick, there are some
valid points that you raise:
(1) if someone comes on and
quotes the eternal
verity "get a life", we
should be grown up enough to
ignore them, since they won't
be back, and their
contribution is less than
useful. (2) The regulars here
regularly chaff each other,
with frequent references to
previous episodes, which can
make an impenetrable [verbal]
fence to newbies or the
occasional reader. I feel it
sometimes myself *loud ooooh
from the soundtrack*, since
posting from Australia, I'm
12 hours behind everyone
else, so I'm always
in 'catchup' mode, and
sometimes end up talking to
myself. But if we highlight
each others idiocincracies
[Fashion Girl has lost her
shift key, Abi has foot-and-
mouth, I earn extra money
delivering letters from my
front pouch], it is written
in fun.
(Submitted by Abi )
Um BB - now I'm
confused....I thought you
were 11 hours ahead of
me..not behind me...hey, I
love the idea of a pouch,
very cute!!!
(Submitted by Dally - Good Morning Mates )
*sneaking a peek inside your
pouch* Oh my Lord!!!
(Submitted by Angry Dragon )
Chaff? or chafe?
(Submitted by Chiqca )
tom-A-to or tom-AH-to?
(Submitted by susie )
(Submitted by Mad Max )
TFFNDKIA252? Pat, I'd like to
buy a vowel...
(Submitted by Vanna )
*prettily twirling letters
around* *sweet smile*
*glamorous pose*
(Submitted by Adolph Hitler )
"All those who are not
racially pure are mere chaff."
(Submitted by Abi )
what's in the pouch, what's
in the pouch!!! Let's see...
(Submitted by Carl Meloche )
For god sake can't you buy a tv guide ,
once and a while ? .
(Submitted by God )
No thanks Carl, I really
haven't watched any TV since
they took off Barney Miller.
(Submitted by Dalliance - Outraged at the American Justice System, among other things... )
susie, I can't take it here
anymore..this country is
getting down-right moronic.
May I please come live with
you in France? I do so love
Paris (it's the only place in
France I've visited, but I
loved it tres much)or
Balmain? I still wish you
would consider taking me
in...I could sleep in the
barn with the horse. I
promise not to peek into your
pouch often and swear I won't
touch..think it over, m'kay?
Abi, Abi...listen...I've been
thinking and I really dig
British TV and cider.
Seriously, do you know any
pub that needs a serving
(Submitted by Dalliance - Trying to shut up, but I just can't )
The Florida Courts should be
tried for child abuse...plain
and simple. Just because a 12
year old kid is 170lbs does
not mean his mind or
emotional state is anything
other than that of a 12 year
old child's. He kills a 5
year old while pretending to
me a Pro Wrestler, whether
purposefully or not, (if a 12
year old *even* understands
the concept of consequential
death), you get him
psychological help...you do
not try him as an adult and
send him to prison for life.
It is despicable. I hang my
head in deep shame because I
live in a country that places
more value in over zealous
rules (except when in the
case of groups with big
lobbies) than simple,
obvious, humane ethics.
(Submitted by Terry )
I agree, the judicial system
in this country is totally
f*cked, guilt or innocence
isn’t the point, it’s who has
the best lawyer. As with
everything in this country,
money talks. But to condemn a
jury for finally getting one
right is another problem. The
jury is not at fault here.
The fault should lie with the
person(s) responsible for
that child being in the
courtroom in the first place.
This world has gotten far
too “goal” oriented in their
zeal to have a better home,
car, etc, and is losing sight
of what’s important. I don’t
believe counseling an hour a
day would help this kid, what
he needed, and what I’m
seeing a lot of kids needing
these days, is responsible,
caring PARENTING. Neglect and
abuse is no way to rear a
child. It’s no wonder we have
them filling our courtrooms.
Just because “society” says a
12 year old kid is a
juvenile, that doesn’t mean
he shouldn’t know right from
wrong, and be responsible for
his actions. Had it been your
kid, picked up and body
slammed by a brute three
times her size, would you
have the same opinion? Not a
fair question, of course, but
being that I AM a parent, of
2 boys, whom I AM trying to
teach right from wrong, I
would want nothing more than
to see the same verdict were
it one of them killed. Don’t
forget, the taxpayers are
forced to support this kid
for the rest of his life, but
he IS alive. That little girl
is dead.
(Submitted by Dalliance )
Life without parole? Terry,
do you really believe a 12
year old is an adult? If so,
shouldn't he be able to have
reasoned out the plea bargain
by himself rather than his
stupid mother doing it? And
is it his fault that he has a
shitty parent? I agree that
caring Parenting IS
essential, but sadly not
every kid has a decent
parent. Is that their fault?
And you are right, it he had
killed my kid I would want to
kill him, but I would hope in
time I would come to some
understanding and reconsider
and realize that destroying
his life would not bring my
child back. Is this really
the America you want? And as
far as knowing right from
wrong, yes, a 12 year old
should but what if he
doesn't, and even if he has
been taught properly, do you
actually believe that a 12
year old child comprehends
the full notion of death, I
mean the full and permanent
consequences of his actions?
That he has the full capacity
of reasoning that an adult
has? I am not saying that he
should not be held
accountable for the hideous
crime he committed but I do
not believe he should be
accountable as an adult. And
one other thing, regarding
the gun laws, yeah, it is
great that you are teaching
your kids how to respect
firearms and life, but what
about the kids with parents
that don't give a shit about
them? It only takes one badly
parented kid to take out a
whole lot of good kids with
the benefit of caring
PARENTING...You are blaming
children for their parents
fuck-ups. I work around sad,
depressed badly parented kids
everyday and you know what?
The act out...they do bad
things like wipe their shit
on the bathroom walls...do
know why they do that? Cause
they are hurt..cause they are
in deep pain, because their
parents beat them and do
drugs and forget to feed them
and they are helpless to do
anything about it, cause they
are KIDS..so yeah, KIDS IN
fry them.
(Submitted by Dalliance )
Nevermind, I am sorry I even
made the initial posting..it
is not really appropriate for
this site anyway. There is no
point arguing. Peace Out.
Bless the beasts and the
(Submitted by Dalliance )
And Terry, fuck you on the
comment regarding my not
being a parent..You and I
both know what YOUR problem
is with me, so spare me the
'holier than thou' shit.
(Submitted by Terry )
M'dear, these "children" of
today, are not the same
children we grew up with so
long ago...these kids know
the judicial system, they
know that it is set up so
that, prior to this
experience, any kid can kill,
and will kill, without
regards to the consequences,
because unfortunately, the
sentence is usually juvenile
detention until they are
eighteen. Wake up kiddo, the
world around you is falling
apart, and if you insist on
coddling these
murderous "children", then,
so be it...I'll chip in for
your plane ticket, 'cos we
don't need that kind of
thinking in this country. We
are quickly going to hell in
a handbasket, and any sane
person can see, that an
example has been made, and
hopefully more will. It takes
more than a lot of pretty
words to direct a child
properly, and until you've
actually participated in that
experience for more than an
hour a day, I suggest you
keep your bleeding heart
opinions to yourself. Some of
us are trying to build a
better society, by caring and
loving our kids, and teaching
them right from wrong. Part
of the problem arises from
the indiscriminent sex so
prevalent amongst
the "adults" today, and their
unwanton children are paying
the price. But these children
are doomed to repeat history,
unless they first get thrown
in jail for killing other
innocent children. This is
the America YOU want? And no,
I HATE the fact that my
children are familiar with
guns, but what are my
options? At least they've got
a fighting chance when some
kid, whose mother was out
whoring with her married
boyfriend, decides to kill
his classmate because he
didn't get Cocoa Puffs that
morning. I've got to go work
on the baseball fields now,
the season starts next week,
and somebody has to be there
to direct our youth. What are
you doing?
(Submitted by Dalliance )
Wishing you the best of luck.
(Submitted by Dalliance )
But, regretting the fact that
you felt the need to make it
(Submitted by Dally )
But, then you've been gunning
after me for quite a while
now haven't you, Baby?
(Submitted by lieu )
i'm buying you both ponies.
(Submitted by lieu 2 )
i just want us all to get a
(Submitted by Dalliance - loving lieu )
lieu, the problem lies not in
our divergent thoughts (if
you notice we both agree that
the problem and solution lies
in good parenting) the
problem is that Terry wants
to slam me personally. And,
well, I am glad he as least
came out with it rather than
compose mean-spirited poems
and "I ams" under the cover
of aninimity. He has an issue
with me - or more
specifically he has an issue
with himself. And, as to what
I am doing...I am going to
work everyday (10-6..making
very little money) and trying
to help give those kids that
are abused and hurt and lost
and poor a safe place to let
their heart's bleed after
their parent's have
emotionally and often
physcially mutilated them. I
know it's not mowing a
baseball field for well-cared
for kids to learn how to
swing a bat so their parents
can cheer, but it's the best
I can do.
(Submitted by Dally )
pppsssttt...lieu, can I still
have the pony?
(Submitted by Terry )
Gawd, you just don't have a
clue, do you...try making a
difference on your feet,
instead of your back for a
and I'm not mowing fields,
I'm building them, and
coaching a team, and working
the concession stand, and
umpiring games, and doing
fundraisers to pay for it
all...check out the
website...see y'all after the
season! (BTW...gunning for
ya...good one!)
(Submitted by Chiqca )
Well hell. I go away for a
few days and all hell breaks
loose. Nanners for everyone!!
(Submitted by lieu )
yeah, chiq. it's all your
fault. where did you go?
are you tan? oooh, tell us
(Submitted by Lop )
How's the TracFoNe NOKIA 252
working for you?
(Submitted by Ayla )
Those "TB Rider Baggies" must
come in handy on those long,
cough-inducing weekend road
trips. And what better way
to contain extremely
contagious Tuberculosis Germs
then with TB Rider Baggie's
new and innovative non-
contamative "Saf-tee Seal
(Submitted by afse )
(Submitted by afse )
(Submitted by afse )
(Submitted by afse )
(Submitted by afse )
(Submitted by Azrael Brown )
HA ha! Idiot thinks Derek would allow him to add
HTML -- not only that, it took 5 tries for it to sink
into his little rodent mind! Read the FAQ, moron,
it's explained in extremely simple language.
(Submitted by cheap_ho )
Who the fuck would want a
Nokia 252.. Freak americans
don't even have half decent
phones. Freaks.
(Submitted by facialtissue )
No facial tissue tissue this
time? Something must be
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