14 December 1997
Visitor Comments:
(Submitted by chris)
I've got it!! Your using the
driBottoms to insulate the 2
story condo!!!
(Submitted by StealthDonut)
I don't know if anyone else
has noticed this, but a year
has passed almost, and your
kid is still in
diapers...time to potty train!
(Submitted by Dynamo)
Potty train who?? He's only
bought one package of butt
wipe since 1996. I think
everyone in that household
could use a little potty
(Submitted by aspk)
He went to Wal-Smarts on my
birthday again this year.....
but NOOOOOO gift. It does make
me wonder how his family
celebrates - dri bottoms and
the infamous wipes.
(Submitted by Lance)
Actually, I think he's using the Dri-Bottoms to
help fill the sink hole in the backyard. A little dirt,
a few Dri-Bottoms, a little dirt, a few Dri-Bottoms,
(Submitted by Lisa)
lol Lance, and then some nice
palm-olive over top to keep
it clean. MMm
(Submitted by Cableman)
Has everyone forgot about the
Chore Boy..... will he be
left to scratch out a small
Christmas Gift for himself?
OHHHHH the Drama!!!!
(Submitted by bohlia123)
Why'd you buy two packs of
diapers? That's half as many
trips to the store and half
as interesting for us to look
at...How old's the kid,
(Submitted by Elizabeth Tallor)
Maybe it's the chore boy who
is being toilet trained...and
toilet trained...and toilet
trained...while Derek wears a
wig and big boozy bra and
totters around in high heels
and an apron
(Submitted by ick)
maybe i've got probs
(Submitted by macboysf)
What no comment from
hdjjewboy!!! I miss Marco!!
Marco, please come back...
we'll be good. I swear!
Marco.... MARCO....
(Submitted by Insane 1)
Hey Liz you forgot to add in
that eye patch and throws
Soil at the chore boy
(Submitted by Amanda )
Hey, this was my 33rd
birthday and no gift for me
(Submitted by moink )
StealthDonut... if you think
you can potty train a year-
old kid, good luck.
(Submitted by Casey )
Though the 2 story condo is
good, it's odd to spend so
much money insulating
something that costs less
than 20 bucks in the first
(Submitted by Geoff )
Thats why he only spent 20
dollars on it, he needed the
rest for insulation.
(Submitted by Merlin )
Gee, 11 days 'til Christmas
and it's business as usual.
(Submitted by nNYCFASHIONGIRL )
(Submitted by Solid Snake )
10 of his 24/7/365 shitmachines aka children. But don't be sad, he still has 25.
(Submitted by i worship derek, lord of all )
Moink is right, if you can potty train a kid before he
walks you would be a genius. i think some kids
potty-train as late as after their third birthday.
Where IS that jewboy? I'd swear he (Derek) got
some "wifes", but i think that might be illegal here
in the U.S. I buy light bulbs at walmart. The
reason you don't get toilet paper there is because
your local grocery stores are closer and always
have a good price on at least one kind. Charmin
Ultra! In DerGodek's name i pray, Timmy!
(Submitted by Gern Blandston )
Time to buy some cheese to
possibly gum up the works in
the kid, if you know what I
(Submitted by Denise )
great!!!the dry bottom family
was going hungry without you
(Submitted by pepper )
my daughter was born 2 years
later on this day ;) and
she's still in diapers..
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