28 April 1998
Visitor Comments:
(Submitted by Hotis)
What? no sales tax on the Dri-
(Submitted by derek)
...hence the reason I shop in Minnesota while living in North Dakota....
(Submitted by hdj jewboy)
eh? MN has some sort of tax
wavier on diapers? scary...
(Submitted by Byron)
You drive out of state to avoid 6% tax on a $12
(Submitted by Max)
doesn't it take more $ in gas?
(Submitted by Anomie)
I see that Shannon is back to ole' number 20...
(Submitted by Derek's nemesis)
Shannon, my love for you is
like a burst...dri-bottom. Or
(Submitted by Channon )
How many more to go? I've
already seen some. It was
kinda like skipping to the
end of a good book to see how
it turns out ya know?
(Submitted by Geoff )
Max, you should read past
receipts, I already mentioned
the gas thing...of course, I
just posted that today, but
you can't prove that I tell
(Submitted by Merlin )
You live in North
Dakota? Good grief, that
explains everything.
(Submitted by NYCFASHIONGIRL )
(Submitted by flying flynn )
For some reason I was under
the impression that he lived
in the Minnesota town and yet
not???? ..... now they have a
whole new reason to make a
new FARGO movie
(Submitted by i worship derek, lord of all )
Yeah, they'd be on some sort of adventure
involving the purchase of cheaper diapers and soil
and the inherent danger of trying to transport it
back home. Yeah! You can probably tell that i
never saw Fargo. Was it about a wolf? or was that
the pig one? Is it about an animal? Timmy!
(Submitted by kat )
MN and ND are right next
store, and MN doesn't have a
tax waiver on diapers -
there's no sale tax on
anything you can eat or wear.
and i guess since you can
wear diapers...hm...
(Submitted by Quackers )
I think it's because you can
eat diapers. What? Eww,
no, clean diapers, jeez you
think im crazy or
something? quack
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