26 July 1998

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Visitor Comments:

(Submitted by Ryan)

This receipt is from my birthday day. At the time you were checking out of the store, I was just sitting down to a fantastic steak dinner here in Dallas. I notice you probably didn't buy anything for me. Thank you for what has to be one of the biggest wastes of time on the Internet. I am truly inspired.

(Submitted by Ed)

What's with the stain?

(Submitted by skyler)

Sun pot, huh? Must be a new hybrid plant. Is it anything like maui wowie? 3 days before my birthday, it was my present, wasn't it? What did you do, smoke it all before it got to me?

(Submitted by Bob)

"BOUCLE VEL M"... sounds French.

(Submitted by Byron)

So is walmart selling receipts for $14.97?

(Submitted by Jephed)

Never mind the stain.WHAT's with the PantyHose, RYAN???? Robbed A liqiour store did yea. God I Hope it was liqiour store.

(Submitted by April)

I got it! He's using all the soil and flowers to plant a forest in his living room. It's so obvious.

(Submitted by Kiss me Ryan)

Oh my god. Is that you? Ryan? THE Ryan Hoage? Is it you who've deigned to enter the first comment for this receipt? Oh my god, I knew it must be you, you just send me wild! My skin tingles at the sight of your glorious commenting abilities. I just wanna, I dunno, I just wanna go and buy a boucle vel m, and then rub scotts soil all over the moist centre of my being and then scoop up a couple of trash bags to clean up and then, maybe, lay my hands on some hair gel..

(Submitted by playa Chris)

those soil bags must contain like two pieces of dirt total if you have to buy them every other day.

(Submitted by Eire)

Ach, so it would be ye who gone and took ta last of me sun pots, would it now? Well, let me tell you a thing or two about taking a lady's sunpots. You bloody wanker!

(Submitted by Jamie Likkspittal)

What's with you guys? The first explicit evidence he's growing a marijuana crop (and WalMart are supporting the destructive trade in illicit substances), and there's only one comment? For shame, for shame, he's ADMITTING it to you.

(Submitted by Geoff )

Adding even more saucers to the movie? This spooky thriller is starting to sound like a science fiction, have a change of mind?

(Submitted by Merlin )

That $14.97 tag on top does not match any of the purchases so why is it attached to THIS receipt? This receipt is illogical, and unwholesome besides.

(Submitted by Brian )

I agree with Merlin. Not one wholesome item! I must go wash myself.

(Submitted by Greedy )

You have got to have the best yard in the neighborhood!!!! Why do you waste your on so much yard shit. You could have bought the kid Huggies instead Dri Bottoms with all the $$$ you used buy plnting soil.

(Submitted by NYCFASHIONGIRL )


(Submitted by Katy )

Like the first person who commented, this receipt is from my birthday too. On my 18th birthday I had dinner at home with my parents and then boyfriend. I think we ate veggie lasagna, that is all. Hope you enjoy your Wal-mart wares, but if youre so lucky to have one around you, Meijer is better.

(Submitted by poodlefart )

Who is Villian? Who eats veggie lasagna with a boyfriend? This just in Katy- your boyfriend probably hated your parents' veggie lasagna, and your scab Meijer parents hate your boyfriend. Why can't you be more like NYCFASHIONGIRL and write lovable brief quips in all caps? Ryan Hoage won the Oreo Stacking contest, now he's a manager. Why no Timmy?

(Submitted by i worship derek, lord of all )

That is a nasty name. Just imagine: A poodle jumps up on your lap, sits down, releases a big wet nasty fart and derek know what else. HI! I'm late, i got stuck in traffic, i hope you didn't make too many decisions and stuff without me. I am thinking that he had the receipt on his lap when the poodle jumped up into it and that is why the receipt is in a state of such disrepair. in loving prayer for our savior, Timmy!

(Submitted by Usagi )

That's just way too much money to spend at Wal-mart without getting some sort of electronic item.

(Submitted by Quackers )

playa Chris - pieces of dirt?

(Submitted by seen it all )

You didn't shop yesterday ! It was my Birthday dammit ! You have one more chance!!!

(Submitted by Dave )

He keeps buying all that dirt.....I think he must be growing pot in the basement....

(Submitted by Jay )

The day befor my Birthday...

(Submitted by Skipper )

I'm assuming the pantyhouse aren't for you????

(Submitted by someone )

Wait a minute, wait a minute...didn't your wife leave you a couple of receipts back or soemthing....'cause you are buying an aweful lot of womens clothing and accessories for a single guy!! ...Or is it that she makes you buy her stuff anyways!?

(Submitted by Why do you want to know? )

You are very odd. Whats with the pantyhose? You scare me.