18 December 2000
Visitor Comments:
(Submitted by ::farts:: -BIMBo (BOF) )
wow.. i see you bought stuff
for christmas wrapping..
is WAL*MART the only place
you really do good shopping
at?? ::farts:: my friends mom
spent $500 there the other
day. all at one time. you
have no life it seems........
to be posting all this.
(Submitted by ::farts:: -BIMBo (BOF) )
(Submitted by DECO BULB X DJ of the new millenium )
A perfectly good celebratory first post wasted,
damn..anyway I am happy to be part of a post
scare post and DECO BULB X is at the wheels of
steel! Throw your hands in the air and wave 'em
like you just don't care...now somebody...anybody,
SHOUT GEL! If you'll excuse me I must board the
SPACE SAUCER and get back to my home planet
of Shitonia. Glad to see you're not in prision Derek
and even using cash.
(Submitted by Abi )
Wowee! I go away for a few
days and all hell breaks
loose - that was like a bad
acid trip on the BBS...thank
god all seems to be well
again, shame about the
march - I was all set - even
had the wax....ah well -
(Submitted by Terry )
I've heard of skipping bail,
but I don't think a $3.87
SPACE SAUCER purchased at
WAL*MART is gonna get you
very far...but it DOES appear
to be a GRT VALUE. Did the
Volare finally give out?
Shoulda listened to Dad 'bout
the oil changes...
(Submitted by Coach )
I KNEW he was an alien...
(Submitted by Chiquita )
Terry, I'm appalled at your
bad spelling. That should've
been a GRT VAULE. Try keeping
a dictionary close by, eh?
(Submitted by Terry )
Sorry Chiq, but my dic got
(Submitted by Terry )
(Submitted by Jimma )
i want a space saucer
(Submitted by in lieu of wright )
oh brother, space saucers
indeed. that dumb idea will
never fly...
(Submitted by in lieu of disco balls )
what's a deco rated x bulb
do,? does it make your house
look like a cheap las vegas
hotel room? why not spend
$3.76 on a xx and it could
look like graceland?
(Submitted by gif crap )
why 2 gift wraps? did you use
one on the other since it was
a gift? and what is a gift
wrap? a free coat?
(Submitted by BuBbLeS )
I'm a little teapot short and
stout, here is my handle here
is my spout! When I get all
steamed up here me shout!!!
Tip me over and POUR ME OUT!!!
(Submitted by Dalliance )
Forget about those op-ed articles you read in the
times, here is the real thing:
"Come the millennium, month 12, In the home of
greatest power, The village idiot will come forth to
be acclaimed the leader."
(Submitted by NotDalliance )
so HE'S the urban spaceman...
(Submitted by Profit Prophet )
I predict that in the future we will use Derek's
receipts as currency. The economy will revolve
around how often he shops and many of those
contributing to this site will become market analysts
by default. Dalliance and Lieu will continuiously
debate on CNN about whether Derek's purchase of
lawn care products is going to boost the ecconomy.
The White House will be replaced by a Super
Wal-Mart and Matt Krieg will be our new president.
The popular and electoral vote will no longer
matter because all future presidents will be elected
based on their Always Low Prices. Always.
Foreign countries will only be allowed to buy from
us if they have a Sam's Club card. Australia will
become our strongest ally due to their increasingly
unhealthy fascination with Derek's receipt
collection. Our flag will be replaced with a smiley
face on a solid blue background. Pants will
become optional. Ok, that last one was just wishful
thinking on my part.
(Submitted by Capt. Space Ranger )
SPACE SAUCER? Where the hell were you
shopping, Walmart or 1950? Are you going to pick
up a RAY GUN on your next trip? Good lord man,
break out the credit card and pick up some of that
Star Wars merchandise they're always nagging you
to buy. Always.
(Submitted by Marshall Blueberry )
Could the gift wrap be for
the saucer, or vice versa?
(Submitted by Fanny Artichoke )
Dry throat? sweaty palms?
nervous laughter? I think
I'm getting to like this
(Submitted by spanky )
Wow!!! I think I'll give up
the porn and watch this site
(Submitted by Jenny )
hm. these deco bulbs... are
they the type used with those
candle-looking battery-
operated christmas
decorations? i have been
looking all over the place
for those! note that the
normal type for plug-in
candles does not replace the
type i am looking for.
(Submitted by really anxious for xmas )
12 days went by, no receipt,i
think Derek's a traitor and
has been doing most of his
shopping elsewhere than wal-
mart. why? i have no idea.
you can find everything on
your shopping list at wal-
mart. They even have giant
beef sticks. who doesn't want
a giant beef stick?
(Submitted by Jenny-Poo Poo on you )
mean, WORKED on the anal
homage to prison boy for
quite some time, only to have
him go shopping, and leave my
work be relegated to the
archives of the unknown...you
barstard...If Frank were
(Submitted by rainy )
i leave for a few weeks and
WHAT HAPPENS?!? judgement day
has come and gone and left
only derek's loyal following
here back at the site. seems
matt krieg's wrath
overlooked "farts bimbo" oh,
brave new world that has such
people in it!
(Submitted by Turdsareus )
::::negativity to you all:::
Hope your Hannaka sucks as
much as my Christmas will.
(Submitted by BalmainBoy )
... so HE'S the urban spaceman. Or were you just
shopping for your favourite Martian? SuperSally,
I'd love to take heed of you, perhaps we could
gallop off into the sunset on one of my white
steeds, and go looking for pink sails.
(Submitted by Mitch Cumstein )
I'm going to my parents' this weekend to see their
Negativity Scene. I'm going to be a wise guy. my
older brother is going to be a baby, and my
sister has to play the role of a dog every year
because she's the best at being a bitch.
(Submitted by Real Playa )
Derek may have some class after all...from the
looks of this receipt and the rather large amount of
time that has lapsed between visits he's been
doing his actual gift shopping elsewhere. Then
again this could be the extent of his Christmas
shopping and his wife is in for a big
disappointment when she opens her two dollar and
fifty cent PHOTO FRAME. Jeez man, you paid
more for the film and processing. You're not one
of these cheap bastards that puts a picture of the
two of you in a cheap frame and tries to pass it off
as a "sentimental" gift are you? Let me know if it
works I might try that.
(Submitted by Michael Rennie )
Klaatu barada nikto !
(Submitted by Carpenter )
Thanks...now go home.
(Submitted by Michael Rennie )
I'm being chased by law enforcement officals and
am unable to get back to my space craft - any
suggestions ?
(Submitted by germaniac )
sputter::...alive. I've just
been abducted by a space
was...probed until I agreed to
shout GEL! ::collapsing in
(Submitted by in lieu of standing still )
why not make the earth pandas
chill? that would really
bamboozle them.
(Submitted by klaatu singing to helen )
"if i were a carpenter and you
were a lady, would you mary
(mother of christ) me anyway,
would you be my space baby?"
ironic you should appear now,
michael. think usurping the
power grid from walmarts
worldwide might convince the
infiedel unbelivers?
(Submitted by Prof. Barnhardt )
You been hangin' out wif
(Submitted by Smokin' Joe )
What sort of man spends $12
on such dumb items. He won't
make his receipts
Intergallactic space
currency, not over my $3.87
space saucer?!
(Submitted by in lieu of gort )
yeah, that's the spirits.
nanu nanu.
(Submitted by Smokin' Joe )
Err... Apart from Dereks
shopping habits what do we
know about this guy. I'm not
paranoid but 'Derek' may just
be a publicity tool for 'big
business'? Eh? Then how would
you all feel? I'd feel duped
and angry. Luckily I'm
English and only have a
catapult, don't see to many
murderous rampages involving
those, hey USA??? But my
point is Derek probably has
bought presents for both
sexes! Because the wrapping
papers have 2 differing
codes. I'm not a sexist but
get flowery stuff for Mum and
Girlfriend or Boyfriend if
that's your thing and plain
boring paper for Dad or the
lads. Perhaps Derek has 2
kids. I feel sorry for them
as Derek spends too much time
buying poo and on his
computer scanning. GEEK!
(Submitted by germaniac )
We're ALL a tool of big
business. Every time you wear
a t-shirt with a logo on it,
buy something from a store and
carry it in a bag with the
store's name on it. WE ARE BIG
bend over and take it, even
over there in jolly ol'!
(Submitted by in lieu of silly ray cyrus )
on 'the day the earth could
swill' red vino all afternoon
you could probably convince me
of a lot of things, not the
least of which being that
mulletards are today's single
greatest threat to rational
thinking in our
anemic-principaled society.
(Submitted by Slim )
Germy, you use your tongue
purtier than a two doller
(Submitted by in lieu of 5 wives... )
holy mad cow! hold on now, a
cousin trying to wash the
collective historical hands of
his progenitors free of
murderous rampages? what
happened to volumes 1 thru 99
of your 100 piece history
set? you are correct that
other societies have their
probs butt let's not throw an
opaque gown over the crusades,
pretend to reassemble william
wallace, whitewash the tower
of london, etc, etc, etc. so
we can innocently decry the
ills of big business. jeez,
that would be the most amazing
wrap job i've ever seen.
(Submitted by mom & poop operation )
help, help, i'm being
repressed. now you can see
the violence inherent in the
(Submitted by Smokin' Joe )
Everyone on this site
including me is full of
sh1te! I am going to log on
to some hardcore action, not
porn, and give and take some
abuse. Bye Bye happy
shoppers, perhaps some of you
mateless drones will find
love in the aisles. I myself
am so bitter I am resigned to
being single and cynical, but
at least I am funny.
(Submitted by Ooops! )
When was he funny?
(Submitted by Poop panty )
I just wanna know what sh1te
is, and how Ii got full of it.
(Submitted by Chiqca )
*climbing out of toaster box*
Here Smokey J, I found this
old box of WIPES in the
toaster box & think you could
put them to good use. And
for everybody else, I found
this SPINWHEEL... anybody
want to join me on it??
Wheeeeeee! *hair flapping in
the breeze, spinning,
spinning, spinning*
(Submitted by ali )
stick around, joe, if you
really can take it. don't see
any evidence of it yet,
(Submitted by madman across the water )
wow, fires off an unsolicited
opening salvo and then runs
yelping into the hills after
getting his panties in a
nottingham. i'll bet his
mother was a hampster and his
father smelt of elderberries.
and *big shrug* all i did was
fart in his general direction!
(Submitted by Jack )
I bet he is going to view some
(Submitted by Happy Man back across the water )
GIFT WRAPping the ol' DECO
BULB, huh?
(Submitted by Smokin' Joe )
OK, OK! A wee bit aggressive
I know. I became enlightened
and peace loving didn't look
at porn and reaslised at
260lbs I am full of the most
sh1te! But my point was that
this ain't the most dynamic
of sites, but then again I'm
still here. I would prefer
talking about his/her weekly
shop at Ann Summers.
(Submitted by germaniac )
By the way, I have a very
loverly mate and we enjoy KITTY
TREATS and MT DEW together
every night. I have nothing
against England, but I am a
Germaniac, and I must remain
loyal to the fatherland at some
point ;) stick around Smokin'
Joe...I'd like to learn more
about your oral fixation.
(Submitted by dove of piece )
i'm all out of olive branches
to offer, joe, but how about a
nice ass sandwich from the
deli. we have a choice of
delectable flavors; germey,
dal, chiq, suz, jeen, misc or
dear abi. they all go quite
well with pickles & mayo.
(Submitted by germaniac )
Or you could select three of us
from the deli and we'd make a
nice triple decker club
(Submitted by leon sphinxter )
btw, we did some smokin the
other night and while i can't
remember just what it was we
talked about, i do remember
that we laughed our asses off
till 2am or so. do you surf
the dial? don't you wish
everybody did?
(Submitted by in lieu of dick or harry )
we call our dog "dog" & our
cat "cat." remember "festus"
on gunsmoke? wtf were his
parents thinking???
(Submitted by in lieu of cheese )
yeah, you could get dal, abi &
germey on wry by asking for
the menage au nato.
(Submitted by Engelbert Humperdinck )
Now Festus...THAT'S one lucky
(Submitted by Dalliance - Cyber Nymph )
Derek is single, Real Playa....and one hot
little number I might add...hubbahubba. Now,
then, Smokey Joe, do stick around and have a
giant beef jerky stick (ours are sane!!). Later, we'll
all go over to Earl Grey's T & A Caberet and create
our own Negativity Scene ( brilliant, Mitch!) or
create a nice Human Menorah (lieu, here is
your...er...opening, pal). D_2, I'll be waiting with
my pomegranate in hand to heed your every whim.
OMG, lieu, NATO - an eating of the world powers?
(Submitted by Ms. Pumpernickle )
Engelbert, you have a good point.
(Submitted by robert wagner )
hey dal, leave stephanie out
of this.
(Submitted by in lieu of einsteinberg )
human menorah? you certainly
aren't suggesting the use of
chambered gas, are you? hoi,
that sachems my choitel right
in the ol' habbam keister!
(Submitted by Fred Dryer )
It's actually Stepfanie,
which I've NEVER been able to
figger out
(Submitted by Fred Again )
Opps, my bad...that was
Stepfanie Kramer...I still
don't understand why she
needed the pee...
(Submitted by dick dryer )
what's up, bro?
(Submitted by master of his domain )
who were the first people to
have opposable thumbs, siskel
and ebert? i guess it
probably goes back further
than that and might be
answered by the reason they
developed. but like the
chicken and the egg, did they
develop so man could grasp and
swing from branches or so they
could grasp... uuum, errr...
swing from branches it is!
(Submitted by Two-Fingers Tekila )
Thumbs...I don't knead no
stinkin' thumbs...
(Submitted by wolverine )
badgers, we don't need no
stinkin' badgers!
(Submitted by frank zappa )
i need weasels to rip flesh
from my face...
Stephanie who??? And FYI: "Gorilla Boy was the
first in line for an opposable thumb...everybody say
yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah" It's a Spin Doctors
(Submitted by Helpful Checkout Person )
Would you like them GIFT
(Submitted by And Dad too....God love em...but what does he send - nut mix and pralines and shelled pecans and nut jelly..*glancing down at my thighs* )
my nut products wrapped?
(Submitted by in lieu of natalie woods )
stephanie powers. remember?
hart to bleeding, mf'ing hart?
(Submitted by copernicuss )
if you buy someone time, can
you have it gift warped?
(Submitted by Riff Raff )
That's astounding...
(Submitted by Madness )
OK...I'm taking control...
(Submitted by germaniac )
Dal, you like the pecan log
better than the cream filled
long john? That's what I like
to eat at the holidays.
Whenever I eat nuts, the skin
gets stuck between my teeth.
(Submitted by Clay Pot )
Finally...some room.
(Submitted by Chiqca )
*still spinning at dizzying
speeds* Wheeeeeeeee! Nobody
wants to join me? [FYI
germy: the cream-filled
nanners are the best!]
(Submitted by Cautious Clay )
I suspect there are fat girls among us.
(Submitted by germaniac )
I like spinning, chiq, but I'd
much rather swing...YEAH
BABY!!!! bwhahahaha
(Submitted by Bananas in Pyjamas )
Are you thinking what I'm thinking, D1? I think I
am, D2! (together) ITS SPINWHEEL TIME!!!
(Submitted by BalmainBoy )
Let us pause for a moment, and reflect on the
passing this week of the most unfortunately-named
politician in recent times, the Zimbabwean
nationalist Rev Ndabaningi Sithole
(Submitted by BalmainBoy )
... and the guy who wrote the theme for Jonny
Quest (as well as the Flintstones, the Jetsons,
Huckleberry Hound, Quick Draw McGraw, Yogi
Bear, Scooby Doo, Magilla Gorilla, Top Cat): Hoyt
Curtin [just for you, Derek].
(Submitted by Dalliance )
What happened to Freud and
his "Screw Mushu" comment?
(Submitted by Mitch Cumstein )
I think he also wants to screw some dude and a
skillet. Yes, that's right Screw Mushu Guy
(Submitted by Freud )
Oh yes, screw Mushu and
the... oh I just can't do it.
I'm not really Freud, I'm a
pale imitation. Guess we'll
just have to wait for the
real macoy... Ooooooooh
(Submitted by Chiqca )
*still spinning and starting
to feel very sick*
(Submitted by Luke Dogwalker )
Webster defines Mushu as a "Cow's boot," but what
did he know, he was just a kid on a sitcom.
(Submitted by BOOGER )
(Submitted by SHITTER )
(Submitted by Smokin' Joe )
I am a stoat, a dead stuffed
stoat mounted upon a piece of
birch wood. I use my keeper
as a vessel to transmit my
ideas to the outside world.
He fancies Dalliance. Is that
a girl or boy, my vessel is
twisted, so gives no
consideration to these
matters. I am still
interested in what a flying
saucer is. All i can think of
is those paper sherbet filled
sweets, here they cost 2
pence. Anyone for backgammon?
I'm white and I've just
thrown double sixes. Nice
(Submitted by Crash Bandicoot )
What are you smokin', Joe?
(Submitted by Smokin' Joe )
He he! On Monday my vessel
went to a David Gray concert,
bastard didn't take me
though. But he got ripped
off. Thought he was buying
£10 worth of finest hash from
a guy with gold teeth, but
ended up with 2 pieces of
wood. What a tit! "Yes I
know" said Andy, Joes vessel.
(Submitted by Clean Up WalMart )
No, but I have heard that there are people with
foul mouths and of limited intelligence, and they
really do exist !
(Submitted by Dalliance )
I am most definitely all girl - and by the way
someone false posted me on the Screw Mushu post
- that wasn't me. That's a no-no, new people.
*sweetly deceptive smile*
(Submitted by Dalliance )
Although, please, don't get me wrong, I'm all for
Freud and do fancy a nut roll every now and again.
I'm not fat, Mr. Clay - (did that sound
(Submitted by Merlin )
What if the three wise men had been three Wise
Women instead ?
(Submitted by Merlin )
They would have...
Asked directions,
Arrived on time,
Helped deliver the baby,
Cleaned the stable,
Made a casserole,
Brought practical gifts.
(Submitted by Merlin )
But what would they have said when they left...?
"Did you see the sandals Mary was wearing
with that gown?"
"That baby doesn't look anything like Joseph!"
"Can you believe that they let all of those
disgusting animals in the house?"
"I heard that Joseph isn't even working right
"And that donkey that they are riding has seen
better days too!"
"Want to bet on how long it will take until you
get your casserole dish back?"
(Submitted by in lieu of sappy models )
pretty good deal on photo
frames. i'd like one of my
v.p. having sex with a piece
of exotic fruit as well as one
of the ny senate interns going
down on hillary, if you
please. my guess is these
will set me back more than 5
bucks though...
(Submitted by http://www.pringles.com )
Can't stop !
(Submitted by germaniac )
Good LORD people...it's almost
Christmas. What will you leave
out for Santa? KITTY TREATS
and nanners?
(Submitted by hey, it's what he wanted )
reindeer nipple rings.
(Submitted by in lieu of knitted objects )
how 'bout you, chiquita? a
banana warmer? in person?
(Submitted by Chiq )
Hey, I'll warm Santa's nanner
any time... however, I think
that officially puts me on
the "bad" list. KITTY TREATS
and nanners... KITTY TREATS
and nanners... KITTY TREATS
and nanners *singing &
skipping happily*
(Submitted by diaper boy )
"bad list" - ho ho ho
(Submitted by Gaseous Clay )
I think there are old women among us.
(Submitted by not an old woman )
sorry, that was MY broccoli
(Submitted by nostradamus' wife (nostradameus) )
my husband said he thought it
might rain tonight but it
didn't. jeez, what a dumbass!
(Submitted by Roberto Mallomar )
I think there are insecure women are among us
(Submitted by Terry )
I KNOW there are beautiful
women among us...
(Submitted by Happy boy )
Everyone looks beautiful in someone's eyes
(Submitted by Disco Dave )
at least that's what the ugly girls tell themselves
(Submitted by in lieu of the grinch )
i'm wrapping up my
pre-christmas comments with a
hearty "hoppy holidays" to
all. time to go stock up on
old champagne and caviar
(caviwere?) hope to see you
all (nekkid) before new years.
(Submitted by NYCFASHIONGIRL )
(Submitted by Nick )
You are a sad individual. Do
you want me to send for the
men in white coats?
(Submitted by i worship derek, lord of all )
Dal>> Keep your bathroom and bedroom talk to
yourself; I don't care much to hear about your
experiences with logs and nuts. I don't even want
to know why you looked at your thighs after you
were talking about nut jelly.
Profit Prophet>> I doubt that the receipts will be
used as currency, seeing as they will be priceless,
but money will probably be a slip of paper with
derek's signature and will be incredibly easy to
conterfeit. I agree that the economy will revolve
around his shopping habits, but i for one will not
be a market analyst. I will be one of his
bodyguards...a much more imortant job when you
are protecting the most important entity in the
multiverse. Ahhh, it's always good to see others
from the "prophet" division of the R.A.P. Pants
noever! Timmy!
(Submitted by Sweet Lil' Angel )
hunny, You managed to miss my
birthday again this year! I
thought that you were better
than that, I mean you have
the wrapping paper, so
where's the gift?
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