30 June 2001

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Visitor Comments:

(Submitted by UKBankerBoy )

First! And long awaited!

(Submitted by Kate )

Second....I could've done worse... I like pez!

(Submitted by playa Chris )

wow a striptease for only 2.96 thats pretty cheap, and a power one at that.

(Submitted by Nosey Fem )

All that popcorn and only one video?? What was the movie??

(Submitted by Succedaum )

what is all that stuff for, anyway? power strips, a video, some popcorn...i bet the pez was for his kid

(Submitted by Succedanum )

ok, i was looking at the last receipt, and some people asked what's wrong with people from kansas city mo? since that's where i live, i'd like to point out that not everyone here is that stupid. most of us are just crazy.

(Submitted by Chiquita )

Dang Derek! Next time give me a little warning before you go shoving your hands into my pockets, m'kay? I would've given you the receipt back if you'd just said sumpthin. And I do have to admit, ZNMG is my favorite kind of validation... it tickles a little at first, but then it's followed by a kind of euphoric feeling. Also, I'm gonna go check out W*M's website 'cause I'm curious whose pictures they are offering online for "only $2.74"

(Submitted by NYCFASHIONGIRL )


(Submitted by Andre )

Now hold on, girls, I can only handle so much power strip in one envelope...... And doesn't it hurt to pop that corn in that way? Ooh, my eyes are watering!

(Submitted by Bonnie Piesse's lame chicken )

Shannon Koch has definitely not been an employee of Darryl - I mean, look at how untidy that receipt is, the "change due" line is underneath all the crappy meaningless stuff. I think Darryl needs a bit of re-education. Shannon, slip on the steel capped boots and show him the true meaning of customer service.

(Submitted by the_germaniac )

Darryl Marchetta....you will never win in my eyes. Matt Kreig is not only the captain of my WalMart, but the captain of my heart. Now excuse me...I need to go POWER STRIP

(Submitted by Bill Cliton )

Man, would I like to get a VIDEO of that...

(Submitted by Dude )

Whats wid da different area code?

(Submitted by Noah Graber )

OH YAH! THREE POWER STRIPS? *** throwing black hat recklessly into the air *** I don't get much of that on da farm. Heaven help our wasted souls.

(Submitted by Noah Graber )

dem damned amish girls always want to keep thee bonnets on .... surely I should offer them some PEZ? I will burn in hell for such heathen thoughts...

(Submitted by Huh? )

*throwing hands up in horror! * Derek, why are you betraying "Matt-My-Man" Krieg and shopping at another Wal- Mart?

(Submitted by Huh? )

And Dude, take a closer lookie at the numbers because IT'S NOT MATT'S WALMART!

(Submitted by Charlotte )

This is the best website I have ever seen. I think Jason is a freakin loser! Hey Jason! How's sunshine?

(Submitted by jason )

well sunshine is not doing too well today.sunshine and his boy toy were out late last night.must be a stomach virus.

(Submitted by Thirty seven plays Sixteen )

Yellow and green with a Southern Cross over the heart - now THAT'S a power strip, eh Abi?

(Submitted by the_germaniac )

Darryl Marchetta is nobody's baby! Long live Matt Krieg

(Submitted by Weymond Denson )

Here I am. http://detnews.com/1999/biz/99 01/26/

(Submitted by Abi )

I thought a POWER STRIP was something to do with a brazilian wax.....?? *eyes watering*

(Submitted by Azrael Brown )

Hey, Mr. Denson -- you really the manager at the Livonia WalMart?

(Submitted by Terry )

Hey Abs, Chiq...me & lieu's gonna pop over to D's to watch a VIDEO...y'all wanna come? We'll hold the POPCORN for ya...

(Submitted by Abi )

Yay, great plan, can I bring my special PEZ dispenser?

(Submitted by Chiq )

Only if I can play with the POWER STRIP.

(Submitted by Abby's guardian )

Only if i can shove a damn power strip down the inventor of pez dispenser's throat. Crappy little plastic shit. Break em with a damn hammer.

(Submitted by how bout conflagration )

Oh, don't worry, his site isn't as cool as yours.

(Submitted by Weymond Denson )

I'll give you one guess Azrael Brown.

(Submitted by John the GOD )

FYI..... The Wal-Mart Derek predominantly occasions is located in Dilworth, MN. This municipitality presides approximately four miles west of Fargo, North Dakota. If you see a receipt listing Mr. Marchetta as the manager(such as the one above and to the left), note the area code is 701, not 218, like most of the others. I know. I have been there. There is destiny in this website, for his first purchase to occur on May 12 was in the year 2000, my 21st birthday. What makes all this even more special is that he followed it up with a second purchase on May 12, THE VERY NEXT YEAR!!!! Unfortunately the "why" of our destiny is all that I may share, for what fun is the future, if you already know it? Take it easy, you little nerf herders.

(Submitted by lieu )

don't be takin' that pez dispenser to any fargo piano recitals.

(Submitted by shashay )

Our walmart in Normal Il is the greatest one in the country. I was there this morning

(Submitted by David Lynch )

I can tell.

(Submitted by A. Hickson )

Fargo lap dances shore ain't what they used to be.

(Submitted by wrong )

I always hate it when people say that! *mimicking voice* "one guess". I always wanna say, "I'll give you one guess as to which gun in my hands is loaded."

(Submitted by )

(Submitted by )

(Submitted by )

(Submitted by george dubya )

i'll give you one guess as to which daughter in our university is loaded.

(Submitted by Oprah backing up )

*beep beep beep*

(Submitted by LeRoy )

"Moan back!"

(Submitted by Aggh my head hurts... )

I just found this hilarious site, can anyone give me a brief summary of life between the Dri-Bottom sagas of '96 to now, or do I have to read each and every one of them? How many kids wore those things?

(Submitted by lieu )

his kids progressed from dri- bottoms to cat litter, his diet consists in large part of swedish fish washed down with prodigious amounts of mountain dew, he changes the oil in his car far too infrequently but does wash his entire body well following, and most dates are preceeded by a mailed card purchased at the counter during checkout, purchased, of course, by his fancy visa credit card. oh, and there was some other stuff too.

(Submitted by Andre )

And he married Shannon Koch and Dally, and led Chiqca to a painful but ultimately personally rewarding experience in hospital. And he then ascended into heaven in a toaster box. And from heaven he did yea verily speak personally to the prophet Andre a couple of times, directly, in real time, via the comments on the receipts, and occasionally whispered messages in Melon's ear about monkeys or something.

(Submitted by Abi )

And occasionally the Wal*Tarts get the slutty white t-shirts out and wash down his car for him.

(Submitted by Skid, Mark )

and the junk food came to pass...

(Submitted by Aggh again )

thanks so much for the updates, you guys are way too cool, my mind has turned to mush already....

(Submitted by mork )

won't chiquita be pleased...?

(Submitted by Habib )

Maybe we should wait before telling about the lying-fay un-nay...

(Submitted by Chiqca )

Ok, so your brain is mush, but what about your nanner? Come into the toaster box with me Aggh & we'll see what we can do about it. Andre, is this slutty white tee too tight for our newcomer?

(Submitted by Aggh )

make room in the toaster box and get out another tee...

(Submitted by oh, yeah )

is that the noise terry makes with his lesbian buddies when you girls let him borrow the cereal box?

(Submitted by oh, yeah )

I know this lesbian chick that really digs you terry. She thinks you cereal box is so cool, but then she's a big dyke, so whatever. Not that YOUR a dyke, terry, NOT that thats a bad thing. What? Fine, i'll shut up. What's up with all these screaming deranged spidermonkeys? They're causing me major problems with my vision.

(Submitted by John the GOD )

Sounds like a personal problem, so keep it to yourself

(Submitted by thanks )


(Submitted by MATT KRIEG'S #1 FAN )


(Submitted by Dave )

Hey, Derek. Did you know a lot of maniacs visit your site (myself included)? Check out the screwball who made an entry above me.

(Submitted by Gern Blandston, evil minion of Darryl Marchetta, lord of all that is unholy and evil.... )

As we speak, Overlord Marchetta is preparing a special in his torture chamber with a dozen boxes of Dri-Bottoms, a lizard, a Chore Boy and one very hungry and pissed-off cat... MUHWAHHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!11