1 October 2001
Visitor Comments:
(Submitted by Azrael Brown )
the binary number 10-01-01 is
equivalent to the decimal
number 21...just thought
you'd like to know.
(Submitted by Azrael Brown )
the binary number 10-01-01 is
equivalent to the decimal
number 21...just thought
you'd like to know.
(Submitted by Another Person )
That's definately good to know, i guess. I thought
I'd be first, since i was just here an hour ago and
there was no 21 receipt... Dang. I would dance, but
would it be second or third? Yaknow?
(Submitted by Yet another person )
By the way, I never knew that about Derek, thank
you for informing us AB.
(Submitted by Huh? )
YIPPEE!!! 5th Poster Dance!
** twisting and shouting **
(Submitted by Huh? )
** admiring screen ** And
such a nice little receipt,
just a little crimped edge to
the right or it would be
perfect. I wonder if Derek is
building a pretend rocket
ship with those 2 boxes and
fueling it with propane? TO
(Submitted by EvilSweetie )
Did ya stop shopping or what?
Come on!! Keep posting
receipts!! I am jonesing!! I
need receipts!! I need them!!
Help!! *hangs head in shame*
All I wanted was something to
(Submitted by Mystery Shopper )
<< GASP!! >> I know, he's
been shopping at Kmart
(Submitted by Sam Walton )
(Submitted by BellaLaLuna )
Ok. I can no longer
resist...I've been surfing
this site for over a year now
and am still facinated with
it. I can no longer contain
myself and feel compelled to
voice my opinion:
Derek, you are THE shiznit!!!
Your site kicks a$$.
(I'm so excited that
Christmas is coming. I barely
stand the suspense of seeing
what you buy. I feel like a
kid again waiting with
(Submitted by Date with Destiny )
I think he's making a robot
costume for lil' D; with
flames coming out of all
orifices if no treat is
(Submitted by Garrison )
Propane... you can always
count on Wal-Mart for fine
stuff like that...
(Submitted by penniless college student )
you give me hope, that I may
one day have enough money to
shop at wal-mart on a regular
basis. thank you for making
me laugh when i needed it
(Submitted by Layla )
My apologies for stealing
JP's shtick, but I can't
resist..."If you wanna get
down, down on the ground,
PROPANE. She don't like, she
don't like she don't
(Submitted by in lieu of together )
would anyone else agree
that "united..." sounds a bit
more appropriate
than "together we stand"
right now?
(Submitted by Jose )
It's aimed at the common american. We, the more
intelligent americans, and some british, and some
other people, we of this site, are more smarter. WE
understand "united". So together we are, like
hundreds of little xs.
(Submitted by Chiqca )
Jose, have you been drinking
the PROPANE again?
(Submitted by Jose )
Mmmmm... nanners dipped in propane. The
And very low calorie, because your stomach
it and up it comes. But what I was saying before
was that wouldn't it be somewhat redundant for
US to be united? Therefore we are "together". Ya
(Submitted by Uncle Sam )
Jose can you see, By the
dawn's early light, what so
proudly we hail'd, at the
twilight's last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and
bright stars, through the
perilous fight, O'er the
ramparts we watch'd, Were so
gallantly streaming? And the
rocket's red glare, The bombs
bursting in air gave proof
through the night that our
flag was still there.
O say, does that star-spangled
banner yet wave...O'er the
land of the free...And the
home of the brave.
(Submitted by Jose )
Arrggghhh, that's why Mexico is better. Not really.
But they don't tell me the beginning of the song
every five minutes. Yes, well, I didn't see it, but
were I to, I likely would not write a song about it. I
always had a problem with the man trying to
endear himself to me, he's more like an
unforgiving step-parent than any uncle I"VE had. I
mean, your uncle is proud of you when you steal a
six pack from the store, but uncle sam, oh, he'll
beat you down pretty good. Udt.
(Submitted by Uncle Sam )
I agree Jose...Mexico is MUCH
better. In fact, I'd LOVE to
see all of the Meccasins here
try their damndest to get
back over the border to
Mother Mexico. Hell, I can
cut my own f*cking grass.
(Submitted by Didja No )
Out of Mexico's total
population, 47.59 millions of
people are males and 49.89
millions are females, that
is, there are 95 men per 100
women. In 1990, this ratio
was 97/100. This lead us to
conclude that this lower
proportion of men in relation
to women is due, mainly, to
international emigration to
America to cut grass and work
for roofing companies.
(Submitted by NYCFASHIONGIRL )
(Submitted by NYCFASHIONGIRL-correction )
(Submitted by Sazzah )
How dull... Live a little.
Buy bubble bath. Bubbles
are good for the soul.
(Submitted by Uncle Sam )
Like I said, I'll be happy to
make a SHIPPING BOX for all
of 'em, and while we're at
it, let's chunk the ragheads
in too. Racist, yes, but
y'all are secretly agreeing
with me, aren't you...you
just can't SAY it...5 gallon
bucket, and my balls are
still overflowing.
(Submitted by Jose )
I jokingly said that. Dang. And then you group me
with "ragheads". WTF. Man, you don't see that
kind of stereotyping in Mexico, I mean, sure, we
think all Americans are rich and rude because of
the tourists, but you have to admit that's fairly
harmless. I don't mow any fucking grass. Or roof
houses. Probably smarter than you. I don't mow
my own grass, I pay some american to do it, and
he ain't foriegn. (I am american, just of Mexican
descent) Troubled times bring out the worst in
people. And all the racists always rationalize by
saying EXACTLY what you said, that everyone
thinks like you, just won't/can't vocalize it. Well,
buddy, I'm not like you. I see someone of Arab
descent? Well, if he lives here and has adopted
our style of life, he's a damn American. I know an
Afghan-American, and I knew about it before this
whole thing. And you know what? She is exactly
just as cool as she was before. She didn't turn into
some sort of devil. She still knows people in
Afganistan, people who are lied to about America
and Christianity, and who only know differenly
because of what she says in letters, and who are
you more inclined to believe, your government
and everyone around you including your
brainwashed parents or some friend who has
rejected the ways of your country? I mean,
Germans aren't autimatically bad because a group
of bad people once came to power for a brief
period of time. A huge chunk of the American
population have German blood, and they aren't
discriminated against (except by you and those
racists like you) even though their once LEADER
commited way worse atrocities than Laden (who by
the way is evil). So what I'm saying is, you suck.
Goddamn racists. I deal with your type every day.
You give us REAL americans, the ones who
believe in the american way, a bad name. That
name? RACIST.
(Submitted by Jose )
And plus that, when you keep saying "ragheads", I
assume that means the Muslim community as a
whole, who, if my sources are correct, do NOT
seem to be behind any attack on america. It
seems to be an exiled Saudi who has collected
together as many malcontents as he could find,
supported by the only Muslim government in the
world that didn't reject him. Oh, yeah, Muslims
must be evil. (and if you don't get the sarcasm,
racism isn't your biggest problem)
(Submitted by D'oh! )
You people are all insane.
Very very insane. What you
write is insane. Reading
what you write makes people
insane. I have read what you
write. I am insane.
Pencil pencil hu-rah! I am
the flying
.Look at me 'ma! No legs!!
(Submitted by Jose )
I'm proud to be American.
(Submitted by lieu )
(Submitted by Bush )
(Submitted by Uncle Sam )
Jose, I wasn't going to
address your ignorant
blatherings with a response,
but I notice you failed to
capitalize "American" several
times, and no TRUE American
would EVER do that. You
didn't seem to have any
trouble with Mexican , or
Afghan American, so I'm truly
wondering where you're heart
is. Should we get you
a "special" plane to Cuba?
Another question, you mention
your friend has "adopted' our
lifestyle, would you PLEASE
tell it, the next time it's
in WAL*MART, or wherever, to
COUNTRY!! Thanks. Have a nice
(Submitted by Booby )
God Bless America, and would
you two shut up.
(Submitted by Jose )
I mentioned my friend was female, thence not an
"it" so why don't you show some respect, eh? And
her English is much better than her Afghan, since
she speaks English more often, seeing as how she
has adopted the American way of life. I may
missed something, but I fail to remember
saying anything about Cuba. Perhaps you just
couldn't stand not being racist against
EVERYBODY? Ah, yes, not capitalizing, well I
have to admit that since English isn't my first
language I occasionally slip up, but most of the
time the a appears to be capitalized. The rules for
capitalizing are quite different in Spanish, so I
must beg your forgiveness for not being perfect in
every way. Unlike racists like you sammy boy, I
have flaws. Yes, no TRUE American would ever
make an error when writing a sentence, I will try to
remember that. (If we're gonna nitpick each others
posts, I have to admit that I did learn in my
textbook many years ago that there is only one
exclamation point after a sentence. Hmmm.)
(Submitted by Uncle Sam )
would be inappropriate,
because of the punctuation.
Thanks, I get it now. A
little closer around the
bushes next time, OK???
(Submitted by Jose )
Funny. I have no problem with people who don't
write 100% correctly. I, for one, do not have OCD.
Ok, your sentence's punctuation is not the
problem, it is actually the racist content that I am
bothered by. No, no, I can see that you still aren't
getting the point. Simple words for simple minds,
let's see. You are racist. Racist is bad. There! Now
that I've got that off my chest, I'd like to point out
that "spic" is racist, and although I would never
deny my Mexican background, for better or worse, I
am American. Therefore, through the application
of logic, even by your parameters, I am no "spic".
NOT that there is anything wrong with being
Mexican, I am merely pointing out your gap in
(Submitted by Jose )
Although it is humourous that it rhymes.
(Submitted by Uncle Sam )
Jose, I'm just f*cking with
you man. I don't really hate
Mexicans, but it was nice
seeing you rise up. We need,
now more than ever, to see
people like you, that will
take a stand for this
country. I'm glad that you're
an American, and I hope that
everyone, regardless of race,
creed, color, whatever, can
join as one in this enduring
fight we are currently
engaged in. Peace out,
brother, and God bless.
(Submitted by Jose )
It gladdens me to see that you weren't serious.
See ya later fellow American. Peace out! Down
with terrorists!
(Submitted by dragonzgaze )
derek, what the hell are you
mailing???? a propane bottle
two pack at that, and two
boxes. whatever they did it
isnt worth it
really......anyhow good to
see the upgrade is done honey
(Submitted by melanie )
Where's the Dri-Bottoms?
(Submitted by pouceo )
imagin....this conversation
came about because of a
walmart reciept...
(Submitted by Gern by way of Hank Hill )
I love propane and propane
products.. down with
charcoal. Jose and Uncle
Sam.. this isn't a goddamned
forum for Mexican-American
relations. Take that shit to
the U.N. or Washington.. Shut
the fuck up, both of ya.
(Submitted by me too )
umm.... who is he sending the propane to...
(Submitted by Gern Blandston )
Good question, me too...
there's two shipping boxes,
but only one canister of
propane... me thinks foul
play is afoot...
(Submitted by Pookie )
Hum.......propane and
shipping boxes? Sending
someone a bomb? Maybe you
should mail it to Wally
World because they SUCK!!!!!
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