19 June 1998
Visitor Comments:
(Submitted by Claire)
So you needed a sponge,
rubber gloves, and wipes that
day? I DON'T want to know
what you were doing!!!
(Submitted by talvin)
yeah claire, but you didnt
even mention the bf vst plzo .
(Submitted by Brian)
See, this is why I don't go
to Wal Mart. They're ALWAYS
charging you for bf vst plzo
you didn't even want. Props
to you for catching on to the
scam. But keep an eye out in
the future for wm p twl 3pk.
(Submitted by hdj jewboy)
wow! i've been browsing
through these
chronologically, and i see
you've bought a new scanner!
does this mean the quality of
these images are going to get
better after this one. (if
they don't, i'm going to be
very dissapointed)...but then
again, what should i expect
from someone who buys
computer hardware from
(Submitted by Beth)
What color was the nail
(Submitted by yat)
TD Socks? Kick @ss... those
will help the Vikings for sure
this year!
(Submitted by Byron)
Your BF VST PLZO is $16.96 in America? Come
up to Vancouver I live beside a BF VST PLZO
factory I can get for FREE!!!
(Submitted by hulawho)
Gonna have to keep those pens away from that
kiddo. Scribbling all over the very important
wal-mart receipts is a big No-No!
(Submitted by cassandle)
I don't know about you, but I like my XXX soft and
(Submitted by dyverge)
Soft white x, where x is an unspecified noun. Only 94 cents. Want some?
(Submitted by Zoctan)
He probably never had a
scanner before today. After
this day, it was only a
matter of time until a
thought entered his head. He
thought "No, that's silly".
But after a few months he
realized "yes, I WOULD like
to scan my butt!"
(Submitted by Max)
Butt!? i was waiting for you to say Walmart reciepts
(Submitted by jim)
WalMart Paper ToWeLs 3 PacK
(Submitted by Cheri)
It looks like he can't decide whether he's gonna
scan Wal-Mart receipts or start a kinky sex website
for fetish lovers!
(Submitted by Dalliance)
WOW! Epoxy 1000..that's some serious
Epoxy...gonna get that kid potty trained yet, aren't
you Derek...you crazy man!!
(Submitted by Cin)
What about pld twil pan,
would that be plaid twill
pants? oooooh, hot!
(Submitted by Trevor)
This was a very well-rounded
receipt. It makes me happy
to know that he went through
a lot of the store, not just
cat litter andy Dri-bottoms.
(Submitted by Andre)
Yes, I want to know, was that
THE scanner? The one and the
same? Don't you think it
makes you feel all warm and
runny down your left leg to
know that this is THE scanner,
which has brought us so much
joy and happiness? Hats off
to you, oh 0748001121317.
(Submitted by pandora)
well, braless or not, this
wife certainly seems to take
better care of herself! she
knows how to keep her man.
(Submitted by Insane1)
His girl knows how to take of
him. Using Pantyhose, TD
socks, rubber gloves, and
soft white X. Our Derek will
never be the same if she
leaves him. Our hats off to
you Derek
(Submitted by Geoff )
It seems like Derok had quite
a night.
(Submitted by Merlin )
(Submitted by cmp )
I'm curious about the rubber
gloves and the curling
iron ... Derek's gettin'
(Submitted by NYCFASHIONGIRL )
(Submitted by Brian )
The Wal Mart employee checking these items must
be a rookie. See how the Soft White X items are
split up? They did well with the pantyhose and
socks. Or maybe Derek was testing them by
haphazardly loading his items on the items on the
conveyor belt, concealing the Soft White X
beneath the socks. trickery trickery
(Submitted by i worship derek, lord of all )
Andre is right and hdj jewboy is wrong. This site
first went up on 11/17/99 way AFTER this scanner
was bought. Instead of teasing derek about the soil
and diapers you should be making fun of him for
liking 8-tracks. Unique, but not just a little bit sad.
(Submitted by Usagi )
If you didn't want a BF VST
PLZO, why did you buy two?
(Submitted by Quackers )
you think the TD in TD
SOCKS stands for
Tye-Dyed? quack
(Submitted by Indomitus )
"Let's see... Sponge? Check. Rubber gloves?
Check. Pantyhose? Check, and check. Wet
wipes? Check. Video tape? Check. Alright, it's
(Submitted by Loving it! )
WOW Cola for 58 cents. That's
why I love WALMART!
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