Site News
12/6/99 -- Added guestbook
12/9/99 -- Wierdzo...I'm linked here: news://, but I can't get to it myself to see what it is. If you know what's there, please let me know. 12/11/99 -- Woohoo! my first search engine hit! Inktomi appears to be the fastest to index this site. 12/14/99 -- Was linked by a post on Sno-Info: from ian s calls this site "Possibly the most boring site on the entire web". 12/17/99 -- Thanks Dre's List-o-Links for the link and positive feedback. 12/17/99 -- Wanna hear something strange? I just realized that this site went live on 11/17/99.....which is exactly 3 years after the first receipt in my file. 12/18/99 -- Was the RN Daily Site for 12/17, from Yes, the Kathie Lee skirts are very comfortable for a strapping young man like me :) 12/27/99 -- Wow...I spend 5 days out of town, 5 days with a broken computer, and all kind of things happen:
12/27/99 -- God, you people are funny! Reading through the comments on the receipts, I laugh out loud here in my cubicle at work. Keep it up! 1/10/00 -- no, I haven't abandoned this site. Ongoing computer problems at home are now fixed; will be scanning new receipts soon, so come back in a day or two! 1/10/00 -- The Receipt page is NOT Y2K COMPLIANT, and I'm damn proud of it! The log CGI which allows me to track you all thinks it's the year 19100. 1/10/00 -- was "This week's weird site-ing" at A View From Below. Here's his comment:
1/10/00 -- Techdirt linked me in the "Too much free time" section of their newsletter this week. Here's what Mike Masnick has to say:
1/10/00 -- move most of the older crap to a "old news" page. Most of you aren't scrolling down this far anyways. 1/13/00 -- added several receipts. We're up to date now! 1/15/00 -- Linked by Jason's Collection of Wierd Links. 1/17/00 -- gave in and added banners -- I gotta earn a living somehow! I'm spending all my money at WalMart! 1/17/00 -- Linked here (I thought they linked me & then deleted me, but I'm still linked in their archival material). ![]() 1/17/00 -- Linked by Yuppie Slayer's Weblog:
1/18/00 -- some local recognition! Local "best kept secret" of Fargo, local webzine Yahtzeen both Reviewed this site and interviewed me! 1/19/00 -- Running out of room to give credit for links! 1/19/00 -- Linked by Yahoo - Internet Life! magazine's online entity! It's the big-time baby! 1/19/00 -- Linked by Headliners from Merge933:
1/19/00 -- Linked by TurlyMing dot com. 1/19/00 -- Linked by famous jam band, the Indiana Trip Factory. 1/21/00 -- linked breifly by 1/22/00 -- getting lots of hits from WebTV's usenet group alt.discuss.internet.sites. I, however, cannot click that link (and neither will most of you). 1/23/00 -- New links from Sand Dollar Crafts, RRRRRRInside (anyone speak German?), and 1/25/00 -- It keeps getting better! ![]() I made USA Today's Hot Site list. Via that list, I got hits from all over -- Goo Hio (actually, "Go Ohio"), Artigen,PennsNet. 1/25/00 -- Artigen gets extra credit for adding my link separately from a just USA Today daily list. Also linked by, and a reference in a post in Tribesplayers Bulletin Board at Sierra Online. 1/25/00 -- I get the Worst waste of designer's time award from Webfeet, via PC Review. He called me a designer!! 1/25/00 -- it's been a big day! Also got this: ![]() 1/26/00 -- New links from The Corey and Jay Show (FM morning show on Lick 96.5), BobWorld, a post on BBS, some site without a domain name, Josh's links, and someone's weblog. 1/28/00 -- Linked by Third Age. 1/30/00 -- It's getting difficult to keep track of people linking to me. If I don't show you here, you can email me and let me know. For now, I'm just going to be showing the most significant ones, the awards I get, and the ones who let me know about the link. 1/30/00 -- User Friendly, everyone's favorite tech-industry comic strip, has made me Link of the Day. Thanks to my brother for getting me this link! 1/30/00 -- ONLY THREE!!??!!?? ![]() 2/6/00 -- New links from (aka, Net4TV Voice, and camworld. 2/9/00 -- New link from, and a new link (and a pleasant email from :) Nagqueen. 2/9/00 -- received the following note (sorry about HTML being disabled in the comments, where this was originally posted; it's a security issue):
2/18/00 -- *snif* I feel dirty...I did all my shopping yesterday at KMart...they have a better kid's clothes section than WalMart. 2/19/00 -- some redesigning of site; finally moved news & awards to it's own page. 2/19/00 -- not many new links lately -- although I was Webby site of the day on the 16th. 3/30/00 -- things are slowing down....*sigh*...however, search engines are indexing your comments! Google is the most prominent one. I've compiled a list of interesting searches 3/31/00 -- linked by Mad Merlin's Lair...I had promised this link long ago, but forgot -- sorry! 4/10/00 -- been neglectful of this site. Sorry! I'll do better! 4/10/00 -- WOOHOO! traffic is back up, thanks to ZDNet's InternetTonight. 4/10/00 -- this guy says he's going to link to me, but I haven't checked yet. Anyways, he has some good insights on being part of the WalMart family.
4/10/00 -- new award! ![]() 4/10/00 -- aw man -- I forgot to link this site: We Compute magazine linked to me. They were also nice enough to send me a free hard-copy of the magazine for my scrapbook! 4/10/00 -- I wanna be a nutcase! vote for me! 4/10/00 -- webbieworld lists me on their "worst of the web" site. You can vote for me there, too, but I'm not sure what I get. 4/10/00 -- interesting story: Last week, Jimmy Baron of the 99x morning show sent me an email, asking to interview me on the radio. Great! I thought -- I've never been on the radio before! So, we arrange a time, and Jimmy calls me to say they're running behind and couldn't talk to me at that time. Then, he never gets back to me to reschedule. *snif* I feel so abandoned! 4/10/00 -- Nice comment from this site: "One of the more inspired useless sites." 4/10/00 -- interesting: no link this entry, but just a general comment that online diaries really like linking to this site. 4/15/00 -- I encountered Matt Kreig for the first time today! Passed right by him in an aisle. If you're not sure who Mr. Kreig is, read some of the more recent receipts. 4/27/00 -- This site is officially a meme now! has brought many new visitors over the past day. 4/29/00 -- I just like this commentary:
5/13/00 -- I used to consider the High Plains Reader a quality paper, but I think it's declining and this is an example of it. I submitted the receipt site to their "best of the net" column in SPAM:
5/14/00 -- excellent! Yahoo has made me one of it's Picks of the Week this week:
5/18/00 -- OK, if you read (on 5/13) above about the High Plains Reader review of the receipt site, the writer of the article has issued a correction:
5/20/00 -- This shocked me, but I'm not sure why; probably because I got it from a mailing list that i've been subscribed to quite a while, I got it before I saw the hits in my logs. I can't link to it, because it's part of Infobeat's services, only available via email:
5/21/00 -- The Kim Komando Rado Show called this site "Amazing!" 5/21/00 -- Phreaky Phriday Phun Linx (fun to say, but english teachers are crying) linked to me, too. 5/21/00 -- A surprising number of hits have come from a Buffy the Vampire Slayer bulletin board post. Vampire hunters love WalMart too! 5/24/00 -- WIN98CENTRAL.COM has linked to me, but their site crashes my Netscape browser - imagine that! 5/28/00 -- Was interviewed yesterday by c00kie's CyberNiche. Finally -- an interviewer who let me be myself! 6/4/00 -- Linky & Dinky linked to me both in their mailing list, and on their website. Here's what they had to say:
6/12/00 -- Linked by CharlesP's Wacky Ass Links. 6/12/00 -- Linked by Star 95.7. The only other genre who link to me regularly, besides blogs, are radio morning shows. 6/12/00 -- The Daily Radar Peepshow has made me their "Daily Obsessive Compulsive". 6/12/00 -- remember that radio show who wanted to interview me, and then bailed? At least they're linking to me now. 6/12/00 -- Gary Kemble from The Toowoomba Chronicle in Australia interviewed me for the print paper, and was nice enough to link to this site, too. 6/12/00 -- Apparently my site isn't cool enough for the MetaFilter people; It's so 5 minutes ago. 6/14/00 -- on 5/24/00, The Australian ran a little blurb about this site in the Business section, page 30. In front of a bus, you say? 6/29/00 -- Linked on Yes, you read it right! The owner is one of the Receipt Site Regulars, so don't make jokes! 6/29/00 -- This surprises me, for a blog. Just in the past day, lots of traffic has been referred by this site, far more than any other private journal so far. It must be good reading! 6/29/00 -- Not sure how this works, but I'm getting an uncomfortable number of references from here. 6/29/00 -- Linked in Bandwidth on 7/1/00 -- The tech writer for the High Plains Reader keeps mentioning my site. For some back history, check these bits of past news. Anyways, today he makes a snide comment towards me:
7/13/00 -- Please, PLEASE - anyone who has a copy of the Fortean Times which refers to this website, I would like to get it from you. I think it was the June or May issue -- I found the July issue, and it's not in there. I'm trying to keep my real-world scrapbook updated, and the Fortean Times is a big deal -- I mean, how many people find themselves mentioned in a magazine about aliens, ghosts, mutants, and conspiracies? 7/24/00 -- hey, thanks for linking me AGAIN! They must really like my site to link it twice. 7/30/00 ![]() 7/30/00 An tourguide considers this site an alternative journal: 7/30/00 -- I helped inspire a similar website! 8/1/00 -- Hot damn! Once you're linked by Suck, you KNOW you're da man! 8/3/00 -- ![]() 8/3/00 -- I love it when people try to figure this site out. 8/4/00 -- Speaks for itself: ![]() 8/6/00 -- I think this is the first article to genuinely focus on the visitors to this site: Reviewed in Driftnet, from Icon. 8/8/00 -- My interview on Internet Tonight went very well last night! We'll see if I can create a downloadable version for you all. 8/8/00 -- ![]() 8/11/00 -- Finally: Downloadable copies of my interview on InternetTonight: 8/15/00 -- Eh, I've been lazy; shoulda linked this on Sunday when it appeared in the Fargo Forum. Very cool -- the entire far-right column of the front page of the Entertainment section was all about this site. Sidenote: This article precipitated a small article in my employer's intranet, but, well, you guys can't get to it. 8/30/00 -- finally, a copy of what's been said about me in the Fortean Times:
9/7/00 -- Just when I think the public is starting to understand this site (if that's possible), I get an email from this webmaster, regarding an attempt by me to submit the receipt site to Snark Bite:
9/11/00 -- The Shift Magazine article is out finally! I've both typed the article out, and I've also got an image scanned from the magazine. 9/16/00 -- I've been Best Site of the Day at Vistar's Web Pick of the Day for a couple days now. 9/16/00 -- Linked in a forum at Network54. He found the site in Shift magazine! 9/16/00 -- Positive commentary regarding the commenting system I use on the site. 9/16/00 -- More just a mention of the receipt site, they also linked the I Am site. 9/16/00 -- Linked on Slashdot, but very few hits came from it. 9/25/00 -- only seconds - moments - ago, I was interviewed by Brent, from 105.9 YNF in Sarasota, FL. It was sort of an ambush interview, they called me and interviewed me right away, so I wasn't very prepared, but it got my adrenaline pumping for a fine Monday at work! (Thanks to Meat [yes, Meat apparently is his name] from 105.9 for e-mailing me their URL) 9/25/00: You know, I love AM radio. WJBC 1230, out of Bloomington, Illinois, called me for an interview, and they talked to me for over 8 minutes! Interviews with commercial broadcasters that I'd done had either cancelled on me due to time constraints, or they really rushed me through their question-and-answers, but this AM talk radio station took the time to talk to me at length about this site. It was actually a good interview, in my opinion, and I had the foresight to hook up my recorder, thus providing you both a low quality recording and the entire transcript of the interview. 9/30/00 -- Wow, going on NPR's news gameshow Wait Wait, Don't Tell Me! has been a greater asset than I had expected! When I signed up to be considered to be a contestant, it was just as myself, Derek (I listen to the show regularly), but they like to talk about interesting attributes of contestants, and I couldn't help but mention the Receipt site. Quite a bit of traffic has come from me rambling, unprepared & nervous, about this site. I mean, joking with some radio station morning show DJ is nothing compared to intelligent NPR personalities; it's quite intimidating. Wait Wait is nice enough to have archives of their shows online for listening pleasure, so go listen to the show (I was in Who's Carl II). 10/15/00 -- Okay, I've been linked at FARK three distinct times now, so I've taken out that annoying "Netscape Now!" button, and the ad for my annoying webspace provider, and permanently replaced BOTH of them with the distinctly non-annoying FARK button. Their site is worth reading daily anyways, whether they mention the Receipt website or not. All news after this point was posted on the Receipt Site BBS - go there! Back to main |